Cling to Him with Both Hands
“The kingdom of Heaven is at hand! It is at the door! You must be ready, you must be vigilant, and you must have everything other than Yahveh put aside and thrown into the dung heap for the surpassing value of knowing Messiah””
Yahveh’s hand is gathering His chicks together under His wings in these last hours. He wants us close under the canopy of safety and protection. So close that we can hear all of our instruction directly from Him, with our ears open and circumcised to what His Spirit, His Ruach HaKodesh is saying. His Spirit will separate us from everything that is not of Him and bring us into His holy, awesome, life-changing Presence. May the desire and panting of our hearts become more and more passionate for Him alone who is to be our “exceedingly great reward”—not the things of this world (Genesis 15:1). Yahshua (Jesus) gave Himself up for us and He is preparing us as His bride. For the hour is late. May we not miss the move of His Spirit that is taking His people out of harm’s way into the place that He purchased through His blood that was shed on the tree of Calvary. The Savior wants you to be in His Presence, safe from all that is coming, and to be ushered by His Spirit into His Father’s kingdom. HalleluYAH, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! It is at the door! You must be ready, you must be vigilant, and you must have everything other than Yahveh put aside and thrown into the trash heap for the surpassing value of knowing Messiah.
There is an urgency that the human framework cannot even handle apart from the love of Yahshua (Jesus) that enthralls us, encompasses us, and keeps us steady on course without fear and in trepidation. We have to have our eyes fixed on Him as His loving dependent children. He said we are to cling to Him. He told Israel “But you who held fast to Yahveh your God are alive today, every one of you.” (Deuteronomy 4:4) We have to cling to Him with both hands. Not one hand in the world, not with our eyes over here, which is double-mindedness and half-heartedness, but clinging like little children.
We have to know and obey Him, and we have so little time in which to know those things that have been hidden. The Almighty is doing His best-accelerated work and only in the Spirit can we keep up with it. It is impossible to keep up in our natural self with the pace of what He, who is the formless One, the great I AM, Yahveh, who is Spirit, is doing. We can only keep up as we throw aside everything that so easily besets this flesh, weighs us down with the cares of this world, and even the ministering to self. We have to learn to throw it all aside so we can go and learn “to live and breathe”, hidden in the Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) where His life is our lifeline, our lifeblood. (See Acts 17:28) The work of the Spirit is not something we can grasp intellectually; He goes into our hearts making them depositories for Yahveh, so that out of our hearts we will have the riches of His glory at our disposal.
“But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods [idols] and serve them, I announce to you today that you shall surely perish;… I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love Yahveh your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days …” (Deuteronomy 30:17-20).