

The Light Of Truth Overcomes The Darkness Of Deception

The Light Of Truth Overcomes The Darkness Of Deception

Our free will, friend or foe!? If it is not under the powerful control of the Holy Spirit we are easy prey to Satan who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Our Savior came to set us free and keep us free by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

Our Messiah is our reward. If Yahshua is not enough for us and waiting longingly is boring and unfulfilling, then we will turn to the friendship with the world that will make us an enemy to Yahveh. Instead, wait patiently.

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

The last days are upon us and the exhortation to overcome and endure to the end is spoken over and over again in the book of Revelation. We must go into a fitness program, preparing ourselves to leave behind self-indulgences.

Inquire, Listen, And Obey

Inquire, Listen, And  Obey

To know the reality of the Almighty’s presence, that’s our inheritance. But, He will not dwell in the midst of idols, nor will we find Him in the midst of unholy mixtures of the common and the holy. Go inquire, listen, and obey!