New Audio Teaching
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We're not dealing with the circumcision of the flesh. We're dealing with an important life and death issue and that is circumcision of the heart"
- Genesis 17, Romans 2:29, Colossians 2:11 -
The vital issue of our consecrated lives, our commitment to follow Yahveh has to do with our hearts whether they are circumcised or uncircumcised. Originally, circumcision was of the flesh, it was the seal of Abraham's obedience when Yahveh covenanted with him and had Abraham, his offspring, and all that were with him circumcised. (Genesis 17) The seal of the covenant basically said, “I am consecrated and set apart to Yahveh, the Holy One of Israel. I will make him King and Master over my life, over my children's lives, and over everything I have. It is all dedicated to Him. And if I should turn away from my trust, loyalty, and obedience to Yahveh, may Yahveh take His sword and cut me off from His presence just as the flint knife has cut off the foreskin of my flesh.” (see Footnote 1) Pretty intense words, however, we're not dealing with the circumcision of the flesh. We're dealing with an important life and death issue and that is circumcision of the heart. Apostle Paul in Romans and Colossians speaks of the circumcision of the heart made without hands by the Spirit. (Romans 2:29, Colossians 2:11) He says the circumcision of the heart is when the sins of the flesh, and the sins of the body are cut away. They are removed by our repentance and desire to be consecrated and holy to our Heavenly Father and Savior. Circumcision of the heart. Has it ever struck you as vital, the way it is in the heart of the One who called it as a seal, as a sign of our covenant with Him?
Just as fleshly circumcision was a sign, the sign of a circumcised heart is going to bring an outward sign of behavior and attitudes that will reflect that we are living separately and differently because we are covenanted to Yahveh, the Holy One. In Deuteronomy 30 verse 6, The Almighty says, “Yahveh, your God, will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you will love Yahveh, your God, with your whole heart and your whole being, in order that you may live.” The circumcision of the heart will allow you to love Him and Him alone so that every fiber of your being is focused and riveted passionately in love with your Creator and you will obey His commandments.
Circumcision of the heart is vital in order for us to be able to keep Yahveh's commandments with a heart that truly loves Him with every fiber of our being"
- Mark 12:30-31 -
HalleluYah. “What is impossible with man is possible with Yahveh.” (Luke 18:27) That's why He says He brings out a flint knife. He brings out that sharpness of His immutable words. He brings out the magnification of all His commandments, all His requirements, all His ordinances. He magnifies them to the hearts of those who want to be circumcised unto Him. And He takes that flint knife of truth and He cuts away the foreskin of the hearts of those who want to obey and follow Yahveh through faith in Yahshua, the Messiah. Circumcision of the heart is vital in order for us to be able to keep Yahveh's commandments with a heart that truly loves Him with every fiber of our being. If we do not “love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our might”, and we have other distractions, other loves, other places that our affections go, then our hearts have foreskin over it, and Yahveh says, I have a flint knife, it is My word. (see Mark 12:30-31) I will bring it forth, and if you allow it, if you welcome it, as Abraham and his descendants welcomed it, I will take away the flesh. I will take away “the lust of the flesh”. (see 1 John 2:16) I will take away your desires for the things of the world that are doomed to destruction. I will take away all forms of idolatry and everything you desire so that you can desire Me and Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and you will be acceptable in My sight. Because those who are uncircumcised, as we read through the Scripture, have never been and will never be acceptable or welcomed in the sight of the King of glory. Circumcision of the heart is a prerequisite to enter the presence of Yahveh. (see Ezekiel 44:9) So if you have foreskin, which most of us do over our hearts, Yahveh Almighty has a flint knife, the magnification of His word to take away your desire for anything and everything that you might love Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, all your mind because that is what He truly desires.
Our God and Savior is looking with spiritual eyes into our hearts. He wants our hearts to be pleasing in His sight because they pulsate like “the deer pants for the water”. (Psalm 42:1) May your heart, pant for Yahveh. May He alone be your “exceedingly great reward”. (Genesis 15:1) May He alone be what you desire. Messiah Himself spoke against the religious leaders and people of His day saying, “You're hypocrites. You speak of Me with your mouth. You go through your religious gyrations and traditions, but your worship of Me is in vain. (See Matthew 15:8-9) Why is it in vain? Because your hearts aren't circumcised and you don't love Me with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (see Mark 12: 30-31) You don't walk in obedience to all My Father's commandments and your doctrines are made up by men. You worship Me in vain because it is not according to Yahveh's ways, not according to His plumb line of immutable truth."
The flint knife is out, it is out, it is in the hand of Yahveh. It is in the hand of your Beloved One who says, “come to me with a heart that is pure and holy, and you will see Me and be welcomed by Me"
- See Matthew 5:8 -
This is the time for our hearts to be circumcised unto Yahveh, just as Abraham and his descendants were. If we are to be truly called the children of Abraham by faith, then we, like Abraham, have to say that everything we have, from our lives, our children, what we own, everything that is part of our lives, we dedicate it to Yahveh to be used for His glory that He will consecrate us to Him, and that we're willing for His sword to cut us completely off, which it will from His eternal presence if we cling to that foreskin, which equals the love of the world, including tainted religious doctrines and traditions. (See James 4:4) The flint knife is out, it is out, it is in the hand of Yahveh. It is in the hand of your Beloved One who says, “come to me with a heart that is pure and holy, and you will see Me and be welcomed by Me. (See Matthew 5:8) “There is a way that seems right to a man”, the proverb has said. It seems right to us, but the way therein leads to death because it does not line up to Yahveh's commandments. (See Proverbs 14:12)
The religious system has much error, just as our lives have much error and taint, but that flint knife is out, and may you come forth as Abraham and his descendants and those who sojourn with him in those days, and say, “I want the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to be my God and I want Him to cut away the foreskin of my heart. I want him to cut away religious doctrine and tradition. I want him to cut away the love for everything of this world, so that I can love Him with every fiber of my being as He has commanded. Yahshua Himself, when asked by the religious leaders, “master, which is the most important of all the commandments. Yahshua (Jesus) said, you shall love Yahveh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Messiah said “upon these two, all of the commandments and all the words of the prophets hinge.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
It is essential that we understand that a part of the foreskin over our hearts that must be dealt with is based on our attitudes towards our God and His Son the Jewish Messiah’s beloved chosen Jewish people, nation, and holy land"
- Genesis 12:3, 15:8 -
How can we love Him and fulfill what Yahshua said is the greatest of all the commandments without the circumcision of the heart? You must have a circumcised heart first in order to fulfill the greatest commandments that Yahshua (Jesus) said, On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets. Circumcision of the heart - Painful? Yes. Why? Because we “will suffer persecution” for “walking as Yahshua (Jesus) walked.” (2 Timothy 3:12, 1 John 2:6) We will suffer humiliation by many who don't understand what it means to be spiritual, passionate, and fanatical about Yahveh, because others who do not have a circumcised heart will not understand and they do not desire complete loyalty and dedication to Yahveh. He's asking you, as He told His disciples, that any man, any woman who wants to be His disciple, anyone who wants to follow Him, must first “count the cost.” (Luke 14:28) There is a cost. It is the “free gift of salvation” but it is a cost if you're going to really receive eternal life. (Ephesians 2:8) And the cost is you're going to allow that flint knife to circumcise your heart and cut away all the flesh including the tainted doctrines and traditions that riddle the religious system of which most of us have been a part of. It is essential that we understand that a part of the foreskin over our hearts that must be dealt with is based on our attitudes towards our God and His Son the Jewish Messiah’s beloved chosen Jewish people, nation, and holy land. The Almighty made a sovereign irrevocable covenant with Abraham recorded in Genesis 12:3 to bless or curse depending on how an individual, family, or nation responds in their heart, mind, and actions towards His Jewish people. The Abrahamic covenant included the promise of Genesis 15:8 of all the land that the Holy One of Israel gave to Abraham and his descendants through the lineage of Isaac, Jacob, and the descendants of Jacob’s twelve sons, which comprise the children of Israel. An irrevocable covenant made by the unchanging eternal Creator and God of the Jewish people cannot be taken lightly or disregarded, because it is going to keep many people out of the Kingdom of Heaven if they harbored ought against Messiah's very own brethren to whom He came first and through whom the gospel was initially spread to the whole world. (see Matthew 15:24)
Pray, ask your Heavenly Father, if you have foreskin over your hearts, ask Him to prepare you for the flint knife of circumcision, that you will be pleasing in His sight"
“He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying.” (Revelation 2:7) When Stephen was being stoned in the book of Acts, he cried out to the religious people, “you are uncircumcised in heart and ears.” (Acts 7:51) In order to hear what the Spirit is saying, not only does your heart have to have the flesh cut away, but your ears have to have the clamor of the flesh, the clamor of the world, the voices of one's own understanding, the voices of other people, cut away, so you can have an ear that's circumcised to hear Yahveh through Yahshua's (Jesus’s) Spirit say, “This is the way. This is the straight and narrow path. Walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21, Matthew 7:14) It is a righteous path. It is righteous because the righteous King has set it forth, and He has called it in Isaiah 35:8, a “Highway of Holiness” for the circumcised in heart, to go across that path and into His holy presence. Pray, ask your Heavenly Father, if you have foreskin over your hearts, ask Him to prepare you for the flint knife of circumcision, that you will be pleasing in His sight. In Yahshua's name. HalleluYah.
Footnote to Genesis 17:10, The NIV Study Bible (Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, 1985).
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