Seek Me for Courage
A Prophetic Word
Yahveh (the LORD) says to us: Do not concern yourselves with earthly affairs. The earth will be transformed into a spiritual battlefield. You must be well equipped and established in the Holy Spirit in order to stand firm in the prophesied earth shaking, rumblings, and dramatic fall out of these perilous times. Quickly, quickly, quickly—take family and little ones and come quickly into the ark of safety! It is a time of preparation to endure to the end, to maneuver for the survival of all your family. Stay so near to Me.
Come and gather together and listen to the instruction I am going to give you. Others will see My hand on your life by the way in which you are enduring victoriously and it will bring hope. The weight of My presence and power upon you will give hope to others. Me in you, is the hope of glory for them. They will ask, “What shall we do to be saved?” I will be lifted up as the light of My presence shines so brightly through you that all will be drawn to it.
As soldiers fighting in camouflage, in the thickets, have eyes to see and ears to hear the encroaching enemy, so I will give to you spiritual eyesight to see and ears to hear so you will be able to fight this good fight and battle. Nothing you have learned of in the past will be adequate, it will be found in My presence for you to overcome and be found faithful. I will give you spiritual eyes to see in the dark and discern things hidden that will become clear and visible so you can navigate in these days. I will direct you away from land mines, pits, and enemy tactics.
Consider what belongs on the trash heap, as you are to be drawing closer to Yahshua (Jesus) to know Him in His righteousness and sufferings, attaining to His resurrection to share in His eternal glory and kingdom. Stay close to Me, I Yahveh know the way. Cling to Me, for I alone know the way of escape. Others will follow and be safe. Keep your eyes on Me, ears pinned to know, “This is the way, walk in it.” Lead others out of harm’s way. I am entrusting souls of many to My elect. Your obedience will bring salvation; you will be a light in a dark place. Obedience will exceed words and deeds.
I have not given you a spirit of fear; I, Yahveh, give you a Spirit of power, My power within you. It will be released in and through My chosen elect. People’s hearts will fail for fear. This covering from above will be manifested for My glory. Seek Me for the courage, empowering of My Spirit, and the wisdom to choose what is My will to overcome what is camouflaged as My will. You must have wisdom and discernment to perceive My perfect will. You will see what I want you to see, you will hear what I want you to hear. Others will see and hear your spirit led obedient example and they will follow.
This is the chain of command—this is the call from our Commander-in-Chief, Yahshua (Jesus), who gives us our marching orders to follow Him. Our Savior is faithful to lead us in triumph, making us the victor and not the victim. We are redeemed to live in His righteous eternal kingdom; may Yahshua (Jesus) magnify to us great and mighty things that we have not known. The things of this earth are passing, “The kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah; and He will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15, Daniel 2:44)
The Holy Spirit is strengthening the redeemed righteous remnant so that they “do not grow weary in well doing”. (Galatians 6:9) We must continually “fight the good fight of faith” as we “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” (1 Timothy 6:12, Philippians 2:12) We must deny our flesh and it’s worldly desires, surrendering our lives moment by moment to the dominion and power of Yahshua’s Holy Spirit. Only then can we truly say, “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Yahshua Messiah [Jesus Christ]”. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
It is written, “For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay. But My righteous one will live by faith; And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not among those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith for the safekeeping of the soul.” (Hebrews 10:37-39)
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, I lay my life upon Your altar, to be dead to what the entire world would try to offer, and alive in wholeheartedness to You, Yahshua (Jesus). This is a time of my consecration and commitment to You alone. May Your Holy Spirit battle and tear down any demonic strategies and assignments that are spun around me. Yahshua (Jesus), I beseech You, to get rid of all the networking of the enemy that is trying to trap, ensnare, or wear me down. I pray You will clear my path of all works of darkness. May Your sacrificial atoning blood cleanse me of all the Evil One’s residue. May it wash and purify me, bringing a fresh mantle, white linen, new armor more fortified and strong, to advance against the weaponry of the Evil One’s kingdom.
I know I am not to get reinvolved in civilian affairs. I am to keep my eyes upon the One who is the glory and lifter of my head, You my Commander-in-Chief. I will march in synchrony and Your VICTORY. Faithful are You, Yahshua to cause me to triumph over my enemies. May You seal me hermitically so there will be no air pockets that can get into my armor. May You suit me to live in the Spirit, so nothing of this world, or this world’s enemy, can get in. Thank You for preparing me to do mighty exploits through my yielded members. In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name, Amen.