Free Us From Our Carnal Desires
To be satisfied with the things of this world is one of the most basic and foundational forms of deception. We have to cry out to Yahveh (the LORD) to free us from our carnal desires. “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). If we can’t do that, we are denying His power and enjoying an empty form of religion. His power is what we need to overcome the flesh, so that we can die to ourselves and let Yahshua (Jesus) live through us, as we represent Him on this earth.
“If there is any appetite or taste bud that is craving something other than the motivating love that will feed Yahshua’s sheep, then our carnal selves are alive and well and will destroy our walk into His eternal presence””
We are to feed His sheep, seek and save the lost, and usher them through that narrow sheep gate for His namesake and glory. Enough of this form of religion; we are either to be temples in which He dwells, or we are going to be temples that Icabod is individually and corporately written over us. Icabod means, the glory, the presence of Yahveh, has departed. So if Yahveh’s presence has departed, have your fling and be as cold as the world instead of giving Yahshua (Jesus) the grief that is going to cause Him to spit out of His mouth the religiously lukewarm. We are not lily white, we’re not walking as we should, dining at the banqueting table of the King, because we love the world, we love ourselves, and we cater to our flesh. In the wilderness journey, the Israelites were ever moaning, groaning, and craving what the flesh wanted, so Yahveh gave it to them along with leanness of soul. So Israel became like a skeleton in the spirit that would soon be slaughtered with the plague of judgment. If there is any appetite or taste bud that is craving something other than the motivating love that will feed Yahshua’s sheep, then our carnal selves are alive and well and will destroy our walk into His eternal presence. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man [those who are rich in this world and not rich toward Yahveh] to enter the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:25) But the Almighty’s mercy says, “There is still time, if you really love Me.” That is what is lacking: love is the key ingredient, the greatest of all; it will never fail. Without it, you will be self-deceived, continually self-justifying everything, and going in circles, but you will never go down that straight and narrow path into His kingdom.
We have to keep moving forward; we cannot stop—we are so far from His high call. May we yearn for every opportunity possible to feed His sheep, to express His love that poured out His life’s blood so that everyone could know His forgiveness and live in His Presence for all eternity. What would keep you from missing this high calling?