This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. We pray this message will fortify your faith. Let us work out our salvation “fighting the good fight of faith”, with our whole heart focused on the blessed hope of being resurrected and united with Yahshua (Jesus) eternally in His holy presence and Kingdom. To listen to this in-depth teaching press arrow above.
“Yahshua (Jesus) died and was resurrected from the dead promising resurrection for all those, who through faith are born again and filled with His Spirit””
Salvation and our true walk of faith begins when we sincerely repent acknowledging that we are sinners in need of our Savior’s forgiveness. His atoning blood was sacrificially poured out for us when He took our place and bore our sins on the tree of Calvary. (Romans 3:23, Hebrews 10:19, 1 Peter 2:24) Yahshua (Jesus) died and was resurrected from the dead promising resurrection for all those, who through faith are born again and filled with His Spirit. (see John 11:25-26, Romans 8:11, 1 Corinthians 15:42,53) This righteous remnant is “fighting the good fight of faith”, having victory over their sinful flesh, the pull of this world, and Satan, “the god of this world”. (1 Timothy 6:12, 1 John 5:4, 2 Corinthians 4:4) Our faith begins as small as a mustard seed and must be cultivated through reading and obeying the word of God. (see Matthew 17:20-21) “Without faith it is impossible to please our Heavenly Father and Savior,” therefore the gift of faith must be guarded with our lives. (Hebrews 11:6) It is the most valuable gift that Yahshua has given us, by which we have access into His holy presence. We have shelter and protection through that faith and the open communication that we need with our Heavenly Father and Savior at all times.
“Only “the righteous will live by faith, and if they shrink back, Yahveh Almighty will not be pleased””
We have got to protect our faith because without it, in the days ahead, we will not be able to stand against the ravaging assignments of Satan. The evil one goes after our faith, to bring fear, cowardice, and idolatrous preoccupations, which will continually erode and rob our faith. Without strong unfaltering faith, it will be impossible to stand firm while everything in the world is under assault and being shaken through the Almighty’s forthcoming outpoured judgments. Only “the righteous will live by faith, and if they shrink back, Yahveh Almighty will not be pleased”. (see Hebrews 10:38) It is time to start working on our faith, to have it built up. “Faith comes from hearing the Word of God”, and “finding out what pleases Him”. (Romans 10:17, Ephesian 5:10) When we are obedient to His word we have added wisdom that gives us handrails in our walk of faith. So, as we follow Yahshua (Jesus), we are “walking by faith, not by sight”, but in the spirit on “the highway of holiness”, as Isaiah calls it. (2 Corinthians 5:7, Isaiah 35:8) And our Savior described it as “the narrow path that many will want to enter” to follow Him, but very few will be able to go through that narrow gate and narrow path that leads to life, because their faith was flimsy. (Matthew 7:14) They had not fought the good fight of faith by “putting to death the deeds of the flesh” in order to ascend the heights in the Spirit. (Romans 8:13)
“It’s faith in the Word of our Father, believing He exists and He is holy and knowing it in the depths of our hearts because we have cultivated such an intimate relationship in the Spirit that our walk of faith is our lifeline!” ”
The righteous redeemed have faith in Yahshua, the One they cannot see and touch, but have left everything that they could see and touch in order to cultivate their relationship with Him. In wholehearted loving obedience, in response to their Savior’s love they are in a faith-filled, passionate, evolving, into a greater and greater intimate relationship in the Spirit where one can only enter through faith. “Faith is the substance of things we hope for.” (Hebrews 11:1) If we're hoping for something on this earth more than we're hoping for the eternal joy with our Savior, then we're not going to have faith. We are going to be so preoccupied with what we can see, feel, and touch and faith is the substance of the things we can't see, feel, or touch. It's faith in the Word of our Father, believing He exists and He is holy and knowing it in the depths of our hearts because we have cultivated such an intimate relationship in the Spirit that our walk of faith is our lifeline! We live in the Spirit we move in the Spirit, we have our being in the Spirit because our faith is so strong it carries us away from our flesh and its desires for the world and everything in it. (See Acts 17:28) We ascend the heights in the Spirit and learn to have our whole life hidden there by faith.
Those who have such faith can honestly say that “to live is Messiah”, and that by faith we owe it to Him, out of a heart of love, to lay down our lives as we learn to know, obey, and do what pleases Him. It is because by faith we know we are debtors and we are servants who know the One who redeemed us to serve Him. (see Philippians 1:21, 1 John 3:16-20) Yahshua (Jesus) laid down His life to serve us so that we would learn what it means to live a selfless life that lives for the glory of His Father, following in His footsteps, by faith, on that narrow path into His Heavenly Kingdom. By faith we believe that He has prepared a place for us in His Father's house where there are many mansions, many places for His beloved children. If it were not so, He would not have told us. (see John 14:1-3)
“Faith becomes the most real, tangible, part of our lives because we’re in love with the One we can’t see and touch, but we love Him more than life itself””
This is a walk of faith and we must guard it, we must protect it, it is our lifeline into the kingdom. “If we don't stand by faith, we won't stand at all.” (Isaiah 7:9b) And without it, it's impossible to please our Father in Heaven. (Hebrews 11:6) “We walk by faith and not by sight” in such an intimate relationship with Yahshua (Jesus) that we have grown by faith into a bride who loves Him so much. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Faith becomes the most real, tangible, part of our lives because we're in love with the One we can't see and touch, but we love Him more than life itself. When our faith has become so strong our intimate relationship with our Savior will grow in faith with bonds of love inseparable. We must continually resist anyone or anything that would try to separate us from the love of our Father in Yahshua, our beloved Savior and Bridegroom.
“Yahveh, we rejoice and cling to You as we walk with Your Son, knowing that it’s by faith that we will be given Your promised blessing of being raised up to eternal life together forever in Your Kingdom”
This is the kind of faith that prepares the bride to forsake everything, to follow the Bridegroom and get ready for His return with her ears pinned to hear the midnight cry “the bridegroom is coming, come out to meet Him!” (Matthew 25:6) “The bride is making herself ready”, “there is neither male or female, Jew or Gentile” in the Spirit, we are one in Yahshua redeemed to be with Him forever as a bride with the Bridegroom, where our bodies will be “like the angels.” (Revelation 19:7, Galatians 3:28-29, Mark 12:25) We can't understand everything but what we understand is: He loves us, and we love Him, and by faith we are leaving and forsaking, as He said, everyone and everything as secondary in order to build that relationship by faith, following Him on that narrow path we cannot see. (see Mark 10:29-31, Matthew 7:14) Obedience to His word transforms us from glory to glory into the likeness of our Savior and gives us greater faith. The more we accrue in faith the dividends of faith keep multiplying into eternity. Faith is the currency of the Spirit. Without it we can't have Yahshua (Jesus), we can't have eternal life, we can't have anything of any value. Praise the Holy One, the Giver of faith that is so precious more valuable than gold. It is truly the currency of our spirit, and it's by faith that we can be a righteous people. We rejoice and cling to You as we walk with Your Son, knowing that it's by faith that we will be given Your promised blessing of being raised up to eternal life together forever in Your Kingdom.
“he Holy Spirit within is compelling us to faithfully “work out our salvation” as we prepare for “the blessed hope”, joyfully looking heavenward for the unimaginable glory of our eternal home to be together forever with Him in His Kingdom of Righteousness””
To Yahveh God be the glory! Let us praise and thank Him for the faith that He has given each one of us the day we accepted His Son as our Savior. But we must remember, our faith is under attack every day and just as we guard everything in this world, from our families, homes, or resources, may we guard our faith in even a more diligent way. Our faith is far more valuable than things in this world. This is a loving reminder to stand strong and to rebuke the devourer by the Holy Spirit’s power and in the name and authority of Yahshua the Messiah when Satan comes to rob our faith with doubt, unbelief, and fear. Our Savior emphasized that He will be looking for great enduring faith in those who profess to know and love Him. He proclaims this question to all of us, “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) Let this question motivate us to build up and stockpile victorious faith that overcomes our sin nature, and the seductive pull of this world under Satan’s dominion. Above all, may our faith be found pleasing in Yahshua’s sight. No one knows the day or the hour we will be resurrected. The Holy Spirit within is compelling us to faithfully “work out our salvation” as we prepare for “the blessed hope”, joyfully looking heavenward for the unimaginable glory of our eternal home to be together forever with Him in His Kingdom of Righteousness. (Philippians 2:12, Titus 2:13)
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will be with the Lord forever
- 1 Thessalonians 4:17 -
Our Savior YAHshua (Jesus) died for us so that we may live together with him forever (1 Thessalonians 5:10). As the Bible says, “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). We must all have the heart of David, who cried out in the Psalms, saying: “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). Similarly, our souls should long for the courts of YAHveh (God) – to behold the beauty of His face and to reign with Him forever. Forever may seem so impossible but with our God all things are possible. Indeed, His love for us is real and He is making a new heaven and a new earth where his chosen, redeemed people will live. Accordingly, those who hear the call and accept YAHshua (Jesus) as their King and Savior will reign with Him together forever! Our King does not want any to perish but instead wants all of His creation to be with him together forever. Indeed, our great hope is that someday soon we will be with Him, together forever for all our days. Rejoice in this great promise my dear friends and spread this joyous, redemptive news to others!