
Enduring Victoriously To The End

Enduring Victoriously to the End

Matthew 24:13, 1 Thessalonians 1:3, Revelation 2:26

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The last days will be a fishnet of destruction. The destruction of the earth will be the fishnet that brings in the greatest catch of fish. And Yahshua (Jesus) is saying to us, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people” (Matthew 4:19); forsake everything, for none of you can be My disciple who does not deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Me” (see Luke 9:23), and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). The words of YAHveh (the Lord) are yes and so be it, “For they are life to those who find them and health to all their body” (Proverbs 4:22).


Yahveh, I eat Your word, even though it is sweet to my taste and bitter to my innermost being; but that bitterness drives me to You, Father in heaven. I continue to feast on Yahshua (Jesus), the bread of life and the manna from heaven. I eat of Your body, I drink of Your blood, I thrive on You, my Lamb. You are my all in all, and I live because You live in me. HalleluYAH!

With this gross darkness, which will be a complete lights-out—which is almost at the door—there will be no light by which to walk. The only light left will be in those in whom You, the Bright Morning Star, shine in their hearts. I pray I will be serving You in faith and courage, snatching many from the fire and bringing them into this great last harvest. Thank You, that You will prepare me to endure victoriously. I repent for every way I have grieved Your heart and caused You sorrow. Forgive me, and forgive those who know not what they do. Bring many who still have a heart that can be pulled, by the tender loving cords of Your mercy and lovingkindness, into the light and out of this dark, dying, doomed world.

Prepare me to stand firm unto the very end, praising and glorifying You as Your name goes forth from the four corners of the earth and I join the HalleluYAH chorus that shouts, “Glory to our Righteous King!” Teach me how to wait patiently for You, enduring anything and everything. May I not love my life and shrink back from the daily diet of dying to my flesh, even if it leads to the death of my body. Thank You that You have a new heaven, a new earth, and a new glorified body for me in the kingdom to come, of which my citizenship is written in the sacrificed blood of our Lamb, in the registry of the Kingdom of Heaven.

May I go forth in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on You, with an eternal joy that is transforming me from glory to glory even now in preparation for Your glorious kingdom. In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name, Amen.