
Look Unto The Author And Finisher Of Our Faith

Look Unto YAHshua, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith

Hebrews 12:2

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It is our Father’s desire, when He poured out YAHshua’s (Jesus’s) blood, that He would have those who would ascend His holy mountain (Psalm 24:3). There they would bring offerings of righteousness and worship Him in Spirit as new creations, in the Spirit and in the truth that had set them eternally free.

Let us thank our Father in heaven that though our enemy comes against us in one direction, he will have to flee in seven (Deuteronomy 28:7). YAHveh (the LORD) has an angelic entourage that encompasses each one of His called-out, chosen, separated sons and daughters of the kingdom. The enemy will flee because of the power of the arsenal of the warring angels that are accompanying us. They will ensure that the perfect pleasure and will of our King is accomplished through us, to His praise, honor, and glory. We will see the enemy, we will know his strategies, and we will see him defeated in front of our spiritual eyes. HalleluYAH!

YAHveh, will train us slowly lest we be tempted to touch His glory, to think for a moment there is something that we have done; something great that has been done through us. Our eyes are only to be fixed upon YAHshua (Jesus), the glory and lifter of our heads (Psalm 3:3) and the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). And while they are fixed on Him, He will do great and mighty exploits (Daniel 11:32) through us—and all the glory will be purely given to Him.

Nothing of this earth will come to anything except destruction and desolation. Nothing will come to any fruition other than what is born of His Spirit, for His purpose, and His glory. Transfer all your assets into His kingdom.

Transfer all of your assets out of this earth so you can share Your Father’s joy over the dividends that His called-out, chosen, elect are bringing into His Presence and kingdom. The imperishable must swallow up the perishable, carnal nature; it must be completely crucified so the life of our Savior can be lifted up through us, as He calls men and women unto Himself.

Every stronghold, fetter, preoccupation, and mindset that is of this world is being shattered, destroyed, and dissolved in YAHshua’s (Jesus’s) name. HALLELUYAH! It is not us who live—it is Messiah who lives in us (Galatians 2:20). We are to walk not by our might or power, because that does not exist any longer, we are giving it up, putting it on the dung heap—we will walk by the Spirit as YAHshua (Jesus) walked. He will walk in and through us, leading and guiding us as we reflect Him in word and deed. We are to represent Him as wise stewards in this world with everything that He has invested in us for His glory, kingdom, and the souls of all.

We will know those who are His by the Spirit just as we are known. From the North and the South, the East and the West, those who are of His Spirit are hearing His voice. We are being called in a consolidation of oneness with our God and Savior for the same purpose for which we been called to manifest Him in these last hours.

YAHveh (the LORD) wants to wipe us clean of every residue of carnality and worldliness and make us into supernatural, set-apart creations. The clarity and the vividness of YAHshua (Jesus) is seen like a hologram dimension on all sides. Blessed are those who are being called out of darkness into the eternal light of our great King.

Don’t turn back—keep running, moving by the Spirit that bears His name and is leading you out of this doomed world and the judgments that are soon to pour forth in unprecedented magnitude and immensity. The Almighty said, “Do not look back” (Genesis 19:17; Luke 9:62). Don’t hold on to one thing−to anything. We are to hold on to nothing but Him.

Soon there will be nothing left and you will have already released and relinquished every affection and hold that the world has on you, and you won’t be misdirected. A little more time, a little way down, it is all desolation—and you are being firmly established in His kingdom. There is a great refiner’s fire coming for those who are having difficulty making this transition from the earth into the Spirit. A great refiner’s fire, launder’s soap is coming, for only then will there be offerings in righteousness from lives that are solely conformed to the image of YAHshua (Jesus).


Thank You, Father, that You love me so much that You called, separated, and chose me to do wondrous, mighty works. Make me more and more spiritual like YAHshua (Jesus) Himself. May He freely live in and through me. May the old things that still cling to me and the things that I still cling to fall away, even now in the name of YAHshua (Jesus). I want to lift up holy hands in His name.

As I lift up my hands, may You frisk and strip me of whatever is clinging to me of this world. This world is darkness, this world is death and destruction. Please, strip away any affiliation to this world and to the inhabitants of this world. Strip it all away so I cling to You with all my being, as You lift me up so that there is nothing of the gravitational pull pulling me down. You are searching my heart and mind to get rid of my attitudes and everything that is earthbound. I pray those bondages to the earthly realm are being broken and disintegrated. HalleluYAH!

Thank You, Father, for the spiritual things that are revealed. They are foolishness to the carnal mind; but you have given me the mind of Your Son by which I can ascertain and comprehend what the Spirit is saying to me in these last hours. May I be high, high above a world that is under siege and soon to become as nothing. Let the light of Your glorious countenance rise and shine mightily upon me so that there is no darkness left in my life. May I be firmly translated, transfixed, transported into Your kingdom, established there, never to leave for eternity. HalleluYAH!

Father, I also pray for the true remnant, the called-out, and chosen, that You would destroy every carnal pull of this world. We pray for those who are dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit as citizens of Your kingdom. The ones that are being set apart, prepared, and trained to go forth as an army into battle against the powers of darkness that hold the inhabitants of this earth captive. May Your remnant, chosen from the foundation of this earth, be set FREE. We pray they, as well as we, will be prepared in Your Presence and be transformed from glory to glory in these last hours as light-bearers, truth-bearers, love-bearers. We pray for the remnant who is being gathered up to You to be taught by You.

YAHveh says, “They shall be Mine eternally for My holy and noble purposes.”