“You must be well equipped and established in the Holy Spirit in order to “stand courageously firm in immovable faith” during these prophesied earth shaking and increasingly perilous times””
Yahshua (Jesus), is speaking loudly in these last days to those who have “ears to hear.” (Revelation 2:7) In this message, the Holy Spirit in essence is saying, “Do not concern yourselves with earthly affairs. The world is being transformed into a spiritual battlefield. You are witnessing a dramatic polarization, the battle lines are clearly drawn. “Satan is raging” against the Almighty God and Savior, evil is raging against good, and the ungodly are raging against the righteous redeemed. (Revelation 12:12) Deception and lies are attacking Biblical truth and basic morality and ethics. They “hate the light and do not want their deeds exposed”, they want to continue to live in darkness and be free to spread their demonically inspired mania. (John 3:20) There is a murderous outrage through multitudes who call “good evil and evil good.” (Isaiah 5:20) They hate the truth and believe a lie. Because of this wicked tidal wave of rebellion, the door has been opened for more and more satanic take over of the minds, lives, and bodies of multitudes of humanity, who are fighting on Satan’s side against the Almighty and His redeemed children.
“As in the days of Noah, “Come quickly, quickly, quickly—take family and little ones and flee the world and all it’s cares and come into the ark of safety in My Spirit!””
You must be well equipped and established in the Holy Spirit in order to “stand courageously firm in immovable faith” during these prophesied earth shaking and increasingly perilous times. (1 Corinthians 16:13) As in the days of Noah, “Come quickly, quickly, quickly—take family and little ones and flee the world and all it’s cares and come into the ark of safety in My Spirit! (Luke 17:26) Now is the time of intense spiritual preparation and fortification “to endure victoriously to the end”, to maneuver for the survival of all your family. (Matthew 24:13) It is essential that you draw near to Me and discern and resist the agenda of the Evil One. Satan is “the father of lies”, the “deceiver of humanity”, and the “accuser of the brethren”. (John 8:44, Revelation 12:9-10) He is successfully working through demonic powers and ruling authorities to manipulate and control the gullible masses to establish his kingdom on earth. The stage is being set for the anti messiah (antichrist), Satan’s chosen diabolical leader of the entire world. (Revelation 13:1-8) Those who swear allegiance and give their worship to the beast will be encrypted with his name and consequently be in bondage to Satan unto eternal death in the blazing fires of Hell. (Revelation 13:16)
My beloved redeemed children, “Come and gather together and listen to the instruction I am going to give you. Others will see My hand on your life by the way in which you are following Me, your Savior, having great peace and joy because of your eternal hope. The weight of My presence and power upon you will give hope and faith to others. I, Yahshua (Jesus) in you, is the hope of salvation for them. They will ask, “What shall we do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30) As the light of My presence shines so brightly upon and through you, many will be drawn to it. They will come out of the darkness into the light where I have been waiting and longing for them to come.
“In the Spirit, you will triumph over the “powers of darkness” and deception ruling this temporary evil world’s system””
You will have spiritual eyesight and hearing to perceive the strategies of the encroaching enemy. My Spirit in you, will give you the power to “fight this good fight of faith.” (1 Timothy 6:12) In the Spirit, you will triumph over the “powers of darkness” and deception ruling this temporary evil world’s system. (Ephesians 6:12) I will establish you high above the heads of your enemies, hidden and protected in “the secret place of the Most High God”, where the Enemy cannot touch or harm you. (Psalm 18:19, 91:1) Even if your body is destroyed “you will never die”, because I live eternally and “your life is hidden in Me”, you will never see death. (John 11:26, Colossians 3:3) This reality makes you “more than a conqueror” over fear because “the sting of death” has lost it’s power. (Romans 8:37, 1 Corinthians 15:55) Everything you need to “stand firm in faith” will be found in My presence, as you pray and seek Me with all your heart and cling to Me with all your might. (1 Corinthians 16:13) I will give you spiritual eyesight to see in the dark to discern hidden things that will become clear and visible. My Spirit will lead you so that you can navigate in these diabolical last days away from the land mines, pits, and fowler snares of the enemy’s tactics. “I do not want you to be unaware of Satan’s schemes so that he does not have an advantage over you”; because he will seek to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (2 Corinthians 2:11, Matthew 24:24)
“The Enemy will always try to entice and distract you, so that you cannot hear your Savior’s voice and follow His instructions. “Satan knows his time is short” and is relentless in his quest for rulership over the world and humanity””
Prayerfully consider and repent for all the enticements and preoccupations of your flesh that keep you bound to the gravitational pulls of this passing world, leaving you vulnerable to the judgments that are already pouring out upon it. You must keep your mind, heart, and “desires focused above” in the Heavenly Kingdom “where I am seated” and guiding you by My Holy Spirit. (Colossians 3:2, Mark 16:19) The Enemy will always try to entice and distract you, so that you cannot hear My voice and follow My instructions. “Satan knows his time is short” and is relentless in his quest for rulership over the world and humanity. (Revelation 12:12) My “called and chosen and faithful ones” will be victorious as they continually deny their flesh, “to live and have their being in the Holy Spirit.” (Revelation 17:14, Acts 17:28) My righteous redeemed remnant will wholeheartedly follow Me, regardless of the prophesied persecution, and even a martyr’s death, knowing that ultimately I, “the King of kings”, have already won the final battle and dominion over the kingdoms of this earth. (Revelation 19:16, 11:15)
“Yahshua (Jesus) is entrusting the souls of many lost sheep to His righteous redeemed remnant. Their loving obedience and faithful devotion to their Good Shepherd, will shine brightly like a beacon light, pushing against the encroaching demonic darkness in this passing world””
My Spirit in you is compelling you to draw closer to Me in a personal intimate relationship that you will know Me in my “righteousness, sufferings, and resurrection power.” (Philippians 3:10) You were redeemed to be united as one with Me in the Spirit, as “I am one with My Father.” (John 14:20) I came to earth in human form to sacrifice My blood, in order to purchase you and cover your sins that you would mature into My holy bride (see footnote), longing and waiting and preparing to spend eternity with Me in My Father’s kingdom. (Revelation 19:7) “I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:3) Stay close to Me, “I, Yahshua (Jesus) am the way”. (John 14:6) Cling to Me, for I alone know the way of escape out of this world into heaven. The passionate union we have in the Spirit will cause others to desire such glorious eternal love with Me. Keep your eyes and ears fixed on Me, that you will not veer to the right or left of the “narrow path that leads to eternal life.” (Matthew 7:14) I am entrusting the souls of many lost sheep to My righteous redeemed remnant. Your loving obedience and faithful devotion to your Good Shepherd, will shine brightly like a beacon light, pushing against the encroaching demonic darkness in this passing world.
“‘Yahveh is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation [Yahshua means Yahveh saves]. The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of Yahveh performs valiantly””
I, Yahshua (Jesus), am releasing a mighty measure of overcoming power and glory in and through My righteous ones who are seeking to know and do My will with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. They are the ones who “know their God and will be strong and take action", bringing great praise, honor, and glory to My Father. (Daniel 11:32) With this release of spiritual power, there will also simultaneously be a release of greater judgments upon the wicked. “Terror and pit await the inhabitants of the earth” and people’s hearts will shriek in horror and fail with overwhelming fear. (Isaiah 24:17) But the righteous will be singing, “Yahveh, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness … and it will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God for whom we have waited that He might save us. (Isaiah 25:1, 9) ‘Yahveh is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation [Yahshua means Yahveh saves]. The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of Yahveh performs valiantly.” (Psalm 118:14-15) HalleluYAH!
Let us pray
Thank you Yahshua (Jesus), for loving me so much that You died on the stake to bear my sins in Your body, to redeem me and cover my confessed sins in Your sacrificial blood. I come humbly before You, knowing that Your unfailing love will strengthen my faith, keeping me strong in the spiritual battlefront on earth in these last days. I never thought I would be living in such perilous times with so much darkness, deception, and increasing evil. Thank You that there is a refuge in the secret place of the Most High, where You said that You would keep me in perfect peace as I keep my heart and mind fixed on You and on things above. I know that You are calling me out of the darkness of this perishing world into the light of Your presence, where You have been waiting for me to cultivate a more intimate relationship with You. Thank You for Your Word and the power of prayer and worship that will keep me victorious over the continual gravitational pull and enticements of this world under judgment. I pray that I will never fear and shrink back, but by the help of Your Spirit I would be more than a conqueror through You, Yahshua (Jesus), who makes me valiant, courageous, fearless, and faithful.
Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill me afresh with Your grace and power to continue to fight the good fight of faith. Yahshua (Jesus) forgive me for not truly denying my flesh and the love of this world, which is now so strongly under Satan’s demonic influence. Forgive me and please cleanse me with Your sacrificial blood for having many affections, attractions, and preoccupations for other people and other things, during my temporary stay on earth. You alone are to be my exceedingly great reward. Forgive me for the lust of my flesh, and the lust of my eyes, and the pride of life. Your love compelled You to die for me, may my love for You, compel me to continually die to my flesh-nature and its worldly desires. With all my heart I pray for You, Yahshua (Jesus), to become my all and all, my first and foremost love of my life, now and eternally. Amen
When one, by faith, believes in Yahshua (Jesus) and repents, is covered in His sacrificial blood, and is filled with His Holy Spirit, they are “born again” as “new spiritual creations.” This is the beginning of a marriage covenant (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17). It is verified and clarified in the Scripture that as a new “born again” “spiritual creation”, “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, … male nor female; for you are all one in Messiah Yahshua (Jesus)” (Galatians 3:28). Our Bridegroom is Spirit and we are redeemed out of the flesh and the world to grow up as a mature spiritual bride who is holy, blameless, and pleasing in her Bridegroom Redeemer’s sight. (Matthew 25:1-13, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:6-9)
The Almighty is calling you right now to come out of the darkness (this world) and into his wonderful light (His presence). Yes, He is asking you to search within your heart and see the great and powerful love He has for you. He is waiting for you because He longs to bring you up higher with blessings that no mind can fathom or comprehend. We must all be children of the light for if we are in the LORD we are new creatures – creatures that are not ordained to be in darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:5). Indeed, if we are in Him we are creatures of the light because “The Light shines through the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5). Simply, we must never forget that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession … for He called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 6:17). In this late hour, the Almighty is calling us out of this world, saying "Come out from their midst and be separate – do not touch what is unclean; and I will welcome you (2 Corinthians 6:17).
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The prophet Isaiah foretold that YAHshua (Jesus) our Messiah had been anointed by YAHveh (God) and sent to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives, and to release all mankind from darkness (Isaiah 61:1). Indeed, light has come into the world through our Savior but unfortunately people often love darkness instead of light because their deeds are not pleasing to a holy God (John 3:19). However, this need not be the case because our God has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves (Colossians 1:13). When YAHshua (Jesus) spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life … I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness” (John 12:46, John 8:12). Although you were once darkness now you are light in the Lord so live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8). As the Psalmists said, “the Almighty keeps my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light and brings his people out of darkness” (Psalm 18:28, Psalm 107:14). Simply, let light shine out of darkness! Each of us must cry out for the Almighty to let his light shine in our hearts so that we might be given the light of His knowledge and of His glory (2 Corinthians 4:6). Our King and Savior is longing for you to come out of the darkness and into the light where He is waiting to pour down his unfathomable loving-kindness upon you. Indeed, His grace is sufficient because He promises to love you for now and always. Reciprocate that love, run to him, and come up higher by leaving the darkness of this world and ascending into his glorious light of righteousness and holiness. The world and all its desires will become a faint memory as you come out of the darkness and into the glorious light of our Savior where he is waiting to bless and restore your soul!