Yahveh is not far off but is as near as our breath. His kingdom is in us, and Yahveh wants us to learn to go to Him. You must get rid of everything that is not of Him, so the gravitational earthly pull of it is broken.
Time is so short; we no longer have a reference point for tomorrow. Those things that were acceptable and permissible are now no longer so because only what is eternal is where all of our assets of life are to be focused.
There is only one way! There is only one path! There is only one Savior! Yahshua (Jesus)! It is His divine atoning blood that poured out of His holy body at Calvary, when He gave His life as a ransom to pay the price for our sins.
As the light of our Savior’s presence shines so brightly upon and through you, many will be drawn to it. They will come out of the darkness into the light where He has been waiting and longing for them to come.
Let us draw so intimately close to Yahshua (Jesus), that our hearts overflow in His presence with such love that our words, prayers, and worship are like spiritual kisses to Him our beloved Redeemer.
Yahshua’s blood opened the way for a priesthood to enter the holy sanctuary of God; it tore the veil that had separated the people of Yahveh Almighty from His divine presence. We must not take lightly such a great sacrifice
We must be a people who are in constant fellowship with our Father. Be in prayer to get our instructions. Yahveh says “Enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves … until [My] wrath has passed by.”
As Yahshua for the joy set before Him endured the crucifixion stake let us endure our flesh being crucified to the world knowing eye has not seen and ear has not heard, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.
Our lives are being prepared for resurrection and immortality. We live because Yahshua (Jesus) lives. He lives eternally and we will live eternally. In preparation, we must be formed into His image and set apart for His glory.
We are to look up, higher and higher—not to the world, not to the things that used to satisfy our flesh, but to the One who has called us to look to Him to provide all our needs through His riches in glory through His Son.
Who wants to hang on to a world where Satan is vying for leadership until he is crushed under Yahshua’s feet? The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of YAHveh and the chosen remnant will reign with Him forever!
The outpouring of the Almighty’s prophesied judgments have already begun, “Yahveh [the LORD] is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with His truth.”
We must “fight the good fight of faith” to ensure that nothing, not our flesh, sin, the world, or Satan will rob us of becoming the recipient of eternity with Yahshua (Jesus) in His glorious kingdom, our Home Sweet Home.
Evaluate in your heart what you have done of eternal value that will not be burned up when Yahshua returns. Have you faithfully given your life to suffer with Yahshua (Jesus) so that others can see Him through you?
If you have the fear of man, then you are robbing Yahveh of the fear that is due to Him. Do not fear what people fear. Instead fear the Almighty which begins with acknowledging that there is one true living God.
We need to listen to the prophet’s words; they have been given to get us ready and sober. They are bright lights, like Peter said, shining on the backdrop of this dark world and they help to keep us on the narrow path.
Tick tock, tick tock, time is quickly fleeting away! Our righteous Savior is urging His redeemed remnant saying, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” in an accelerated unwavering manner.
If we ask, YAHshua will give us the grace to go through the refiner’s fire by which many will be made ready and humble for the kingdom. Whoever overcomes the world will enter the kingdom through the blood of the Lamb!
Our free will, friend or foe!? If it is not under the powerful control of the Holy Spirit we are easy prey to Satan who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Our Savior came to set us free and keep us free by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Live for the will of Yahveh, and in doing so you will beat back, and demolish your flesh and all its desires. Let us make every effort to be found pleasing in His sight and to never boast, except in the cross of our Messiah.