
Die To Self And Live To Love

Die to Self and Live to Love

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We who have faith in the Savior and His sacrificial death and atoning blood are His chosen vessels. We are called out for His good pleasure and holy purposes. His heart’s desire is to bestow upon us, His redeemed, the riches of His glory but we must be on guard and careful not to squander these spiritual blessings.

If we are determined to keep our mind and heart set upon Him, He will reveal more of Himself to us, filling our heart with love, joy, peace, and wisdom. If we set our mind on the things above and not below we will find unspeakable joy in His Presence which will give us great faith and contentment for “[He] will never leave or forsake us” (Hebrews 13:5). If we make Him our exceedingly great reward and search for Him with all of our heart as for treasure, we will find the unfathomable riches of His glory, a treasure beyond human comprehension.

The Holy Spirit is spurring His children on to walk in that separated life unto YAHshua (Jesus), reflecting Him “in word and deed” (see Colossians 3:17). YAHveh (the LORD) has prepared and planted in the depth of the rich soil of yielded hearts. These are the ones that have counted the cost to follow Him. Although many weeds have been sown as we live on this earth YAHshua has tended to His harvest field which is destined to bring forth great praise, honor, and glory to our King and Father.

We must be very alert and careful because the evil one is continually trying to find ways to sow tares from worldly contamination and involvement, which will choke out and destroy the beauty of what YAHshua (Jesus) has sown in truth. We have been purchased by His blood and we are not our own. We belong to YAHshua who redeemed us solely for His holy purposes and good pleasure. We have been redeemed to be a temple for His dwelling place that the life of YAHshua in and through us would be lifted up and magnified.

As He poured out His love that others might live, He continues to pour out His life through His Spirit in and through those who are living to please Him and bring others into His Kingdom. We must be on our guard that we do not quench the Spirit by catering and living via the flesh. We must make every opportunity to allow YAHshua’s life which is love and truth to motivate our every word and deed that others might know the one “we love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19) and He desired that many be drawn by that same love into His eternal arms in the Kingdom.