
Shine Brightly Like The Stars Forever And Ever

Shine Brightly Like the Stars Forever & Ever

Daniel 12:3

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You are living in the time of the greatest fear and horror that is about to come upon this earth, but you are told to “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of Yahveh has risen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1) You must grasp that reality. His glorious presence is the grace that is going to be given to you in measure upon measure, there will be no end to the grace that you must have, and He will provide all that you need to be more than a conqueror through Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah.

Apostle Paul says, “For I determined to know nothing among you except Messiah, and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2) We are to be determined to know nothing but our Lamb Yahshua (Jesus) and Him impaled on the tree of Calvary. Through the stripes He bore, the blood flowed and it is on the altar for the forgiveness of sins. He lives in us, loves us, and will strengthen and cause His redeemed to triumph. We are to go forth in these last great dark hours into a harvest where there will be so many who are crying out for help and hope.

Our Savior says, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12) The light of His glorious presence is shinning, radiating, and emanating. It must radiate on us, but it must also emanate through us into the world—so those who live in darkness will see this great light and come out of the darkness. Yahveh is waiting for the lost ones in His harvest field who have yet to come in. His latter-day rain is going to pour forth for the seeds of truth to go out, be planted, and cause this great harvest.

Yahveh Almighty says the terror and pit that awaits the earth is not for us. “Say to the righteous that it will go well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their actions.” (Isaiah 3:10) Our God and Savior’s promise upon our lives is not that we be spared but that we endure victoriously through the faith, grace, mercy, and the lovingkindness that He will exhibit to us. “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) These words He spoke to Daniel concerning the last days.

There will be many who shine like the stars in the firmament, they will brighten the darkness of the night sky that we are now in, and they will lead many to righteousness. Because of this they will shine forever in Yahveh God’s kingdom as bright lights, as the stars in His great eternal kingdom. HalleluYAH! So this is our call, what we have been prepared for. Before the foundations of the earth He chose us to be here at the end of the age for His holy and noble purposes, for this climax and great harvest of souls that are going to come in.

He is preparing us. HalleluYAH!