We must offer everything—body, soul, spirit, and mind—upon the Almighty’s holy altar, as an acceptable sacrifice made holy through a repentant heart covered in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). This holy sacrifice is His due.
Most do not distinguish between the holy and common. They teach there is no difference and unfortunately use Yahshua’s grace as an excuse to continue sinning. Become a remnant that obey His commandments at any cost.
Our God is a holy God and a consuming fire. Unfortunately, many have diluted this glory into something that is more palatable to the masses. Never forget that our God wants a holy priesthood that’s pure in heart and mind.
All of us struggle with wanting a certain measure of recognition. Don’t desire for people to lift you up because as His creation all glory goes to our Creator. Indeed, not to us but to Your name be glory forevermore (Psalm 115:1).
Time is short. Yahshua is coming for those who are waiting for Him. Look forward to being in the waiting room with other believers. Ask for the good way and walk in it, loving Him, waiting for Him, and praising Him.
The Almighty’s requirements are a straight and narrow path. They are not impossible, because with Yahveh nothing is impossible. It is a matter of the heart whereby the righteous follow His holy measuring standards.