
A Prayer Of Submission And Surrender To Our God And Savior

A Prayer of Submission and Surrender to our God and Savior

NEW AUDIO prayer

This prayer is available in both audio and written formats. To listen to this Spirit led prayer press below.

Heavenly Father,

Time is short and my heart’s desire is to finish strong in this race, strong in You Yahveh and the power of Your might. Single file, with You my Beloved Yahshua (Jesus). Thank you that my sights are heavenwards for while I am here it is my prayer that by the power of Your Spirit I can co labor with You, as I speak Your truth in love so that there will be a harvest that continually comes forth. I pray for a righteous remnant who will come to repentance because they see the error of their ways. Help us all to see any deception that we have embraced, and may each of us be ready to embrace the crucifixion stake, which is Your love that all can know You in Your suffering. I choose to die daily to my flesh because I want nothing to separate me from Your love Yahshua. I submit and surrender my whole being as an instrument of righteousness to You and You alone. Have Thine own way Yahveh, You are the potter, I am the clay. Continue to mold and make me into the likeness of Yahshua (Jesus), overflowing with Your glorious presence, word, and attitudes of heart. Accomplish the very purpose for which You redeemed me and that is to do and complete Your Father’s will here on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank You Yahveh, my life is Yours, redeemed by Your Son’s blood to solely belong to You alone for Your holy and noble  eternal purposes. Cleanse me with Your precious blood Yahshua (Jesus) from head to toe, body, soul, spirit, and mind. My garments need purification and cleansing as does My heart, mind, thoughts, and every fiber of my being. I am humbly asking for a fresh sanctification, infilling, revitalization, and restoration to a place higher than that from which the enemy knocked me around and I lost my footing. Thank You Father in heaven that You pick me up and lift me up high above the heads of the enemy, putting me on a spacious and level ground to follow You, my beloved Yahshua, walking with You, talking with You, and hearing Your word speak, “this is the way walk in it and I will find rest and peace for my soul.” Thank You Yahveh, may I humbly move on now as You complete everything which you have begun in the number of days that are allotted and written in Your book for my life. May I be filled with the overflowing portent of Your Spirit and will, compelling as always my heart above everything else to seek and do Your will for Your praise, honor, and glory. In Yahshua’s name, Amen.