

The Language Of Love Is Prayer

The Language Of Love Is Prayer

To walk in oneness with our Savior requires cultivation through the language of love, which is prayer. Intimate prayer brings us out of this world and lifts us up into a wonderful place of love in the Presence of our great King.

Take Your Eyes Off This World

Take Your Eyes Off This World

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! This prayer is for all who are struggling with worldly lusts, cares, and preoccupations of daily life that are hindering their faith, love, and growing relationship with their beloved Redeemer.

Prayer For Courage In The Face Of Persecution

Prayer For Courage In The Face Of Persecution

Yahshua apart from Your strength I am weak, I am asking You for a spiritual backbone of courage that will sustain me in faith, regardless of what I may have to suffer, and for Your love for those who persecute me.

Prayer For Courage And Patient Endurance

Prayer For Courage And Patient Endurance

The Almighty speaks of the difficult times that are coming in the end days and that it would require great endurance and perseverance for those who do His Commandments and hold to the testimony of Yahshua.

"To Live Is Yahshua And To Die Is Gain"

"To Live Is Yahshua And To Die Is Gain"

Those who are eagerly waiting for our Savior will rejoice and shine as a beacon light of faith and peace in the midst of the ever increasing terrors, dismays, and desolations that are prophesied to come on the earth.

Be Prepared To Hear What The Spirit Is Saying

Be Prepared To Hear What The Spirit Is Saying

The Almighty longs to touch your eyes, open your ears, and set you free from all chains and spiritual encumbrances. Indeed, Yahveh is preparing His remnant to do mighty exploits as long as their hearts are purified.