

A Prayer To Be Set Free To Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

A Prayer To Be Set Free To Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

Purify me from all that is prideful, stubborn, rebellious, self indulgent, self justifying and makes me a friend of this world, thus making me an enemy to You. I pray to keep step with You, as You lead me safely to Your Kingdom.

A Prayer To Be "More Than A Conqueror"

A Prayer To Be "More Than A Conqueror"

Yahshua (Jesus) will finish the work He has begun in us until the day of His return. Cry out to Him and let your supplications be heard, in so doing He will bless you and keep you on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.

Create In Me A Clean Heart

Create In Me A Clean Heart

A passionate prayer to have our hearts cleansed and purified from all of it’s cravings, pantings, and every obsessive wrong desire, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or our own vainglory and selfish ambitions.

Deny The God of Self

Deny The God of Self

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we must deny our flesh nature. We must starve it, reject, rebuke, resist, renounce, and repent for indulging our self and its worldly cravings. We are to beat it back lest it overpowers us.

Teaching And Prayer To Seek And Do God's Will

Teaching And Prayer To Seek And Do God's Will

All of humanity, including “professing believers”, who continue to do their own will, are destined to be destroyed by the sharp sword of His written Word because of their perpetual rebellion against the Truth, the will of God.

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

May the outpouring of the Holy Spirit through this prayer refresh and renew all who walk on the narrow path of “the way, the truth, and the life” that leads to Yahshua (Jesus) and His eternal Heavenly Kingdom.

Enduring Victoriously To The End

Enduring Victoriously To The End

“Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Messiah …” (1 Peter 4:12-13).

The Divine Courtship

The Divine Courtship

Thank You that I have found the “pearl of exceedingly great price” and I have slowly but surely sold everything for You, to go through those pearly gates of Your home where Your Bride will dwell with You forever

Grace To Overcome Our Sin Nature

Grace To Overcome Our Sin Nature

We must continually “keep watch” on our unruly self-nature and “judge ourselves”, keeping our flesh and strong self will under the control of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the grace to overcome our fallen sin nature.

I Have Been Crucified With Messiah

I Have Been Crucified With Messiah

We must strive with every fiber of our being to have our Master say, “well done good and faithful servant.” Self is the biggest idol yet wisdom from above overcomes our idols and this wisdom is granted when we pray for it.

Give YAHveh His Due And Glorify His Name

Give YAHveh His Due And Glorify His Name

“We have all sinned and fallen short of His glory.” He is calling us to humble ourselves that He might lift us up. This can only be accomplished by being cleansed by the blood and taught of Him in His presence.

Judgements Are Coming - Repent And You Will Be Saved

Judgements Are Coming - Repent And You Will Be Saved

Yahshua’s blood has been poured out on our behalf that we might be cleansed. Indeed, we have cleansing through the blood of the Lamb if we come before Yahveh our Father with repentance and contriteness of heart.

Messiah's Blood Is On The Heavenly Mercy Seat

Messiah's Blood Is On The Heavenly Mercy Seat

The blood of Yahshua (Jesus) the Lamb, poured out to atone, cleanse, and purify us of our sins, of the rebellions, of the lust and cravings of our flesh, of our disobedience, and of all those things that so easily beset us.

The Flesh Sin Nature - An Ever Present Enemy

The Flesh Sin Nature - An Ever Present Enemy

Our flesh nature craves, lusts, and longs for what is tangible and of this visible world. It is an ever present enemy to the Holy Spirit. We must quickly recognize and repent for the harmful sins that will grieve and anger the Spirit.