What are you doing with your life? Our Savior is urging us to wisely spend and not foolishly waste our time left on earth. He loves us and wants us to have eternal rewards. Beware, Satan wants to rob us of those heavenly dividends.
Yahshua (Jesus) will finish the work He has begun in us until the day of His return. Cry out to Him and let your supplications be heard, in so doing He will bless you and keep you on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.
Fear Yahveh; don’t be self-centered people-pleasers. Delight when you are rejected, mocked, scorned, ridiculed, and cast out, because you fear Him and desire His favor more than that of others.
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! This prayer is for all who are struggling with worldly lusts, cares, and preoccupations of daily life that are hindering their faith, love, and growing relationship with their beloved Redeemer.
The Almighty is trying to turn His people to the ways of obedience and righteousness. Only He can prepare them, and HalleluYAH, He is working mightily for those who have ears to hear what the spirit is saying.
Our Savior said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” We must all ask the Lord to change our appetite from the things of this world to a spiritual hunger for Yahshua (Jesus).
Those who are eagerly waiting for our Savior will rejoice and shine as a beacon light of faith and peace in the midst of the ever increasing terrors, dismays, and desolations that are prophesied to come on the earth.
Yahshua’s blood has been poured out on our behalf that we might be cleansed. Indeed, we have cleansing through the blood of the Lamb if we come before Yahveh our Father with repentance and contriteness of heart.
Fear is the arch-enemy of our faith and “faith is the victory that overcomes the world” and its many unexpected terrorizing circumstances. Our Savior says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.”
The last days are upon us and the exhortation to overcome and endure to the end is spoken over and over again in the book of Revelation. We must go into a fitness program, preparing ourselves to leave behind self-indulgences.