
Intimate Walk

A Prayer To Be Set Free To Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

A Prayer To Be Set Free To Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

Purify me from all that is prideful, stubborn, rebellious, self indulgent, self justifying and makes me a friend of this world, thus making me an enemy to You. I pray to keep step with You, as You lead me safely to Your Kingdom.

I Surrender All To Do Your Will

I Surrender All To Do Your Will

May Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, through my consecrated life that seeks nothing for myself but lives wholly for You. To You, Yahveh (Lord), be the glory!

Wake Up Call! Redeem The Time!

Wake Up Call! Redeem The Time!

What are you doing with your life? Our Savior is urging us to wisely spend and not foolishly waste our time left on earth. He loves us and wants us to have eternal rewards. Beware, Satan wants to rob us of those heavenly dividends.

The Language Of Faith Is Praise - Part One

The Language Of Faith Is Praise - Part One

How natural and essential praise is, it is the overcoming power that faith has expressed through praise. Praise keeps us buoyant in the Spirit, making us “more than conquerors” through Yahshua who lives in and through us.

The Language Of Faith Is Praise - Part Two

The Language Of Faith Is Praise - Part Two

The power of Your Spirit has separated us out of the flesh, the world, and the grip of Satan. We are set free to worship, and bring You great glory. HalleluYah for the power of the expression of praise, the fullness of our faith!

A Prayer To Be "More Than A Conqueror"

A Prayer To Be "More Than A Conqueror"

Yahshua (Jesus) will finish the work He has begun in us until the day of His return. Cry out to Him and let your supplications be heard, in so doing He will bless you and keep you on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray

I acknowledge that You are the One True God, Savior, and King! May the inclinations of my heart, the words of my mouth, and the deeds of my life, bring praise, honor, and glory that are continually due to You alone.

The Language Of Love Is Prayer

The Language Of Love Is Prayer

To walk in oneness with our Savior requires cultivation through the language of love, which is prayer. Intimate prayer brings us out of this world and lifts us up into a wonderful place of love in the Presence of our great King.

Take Your Eyes Off This World

Take Your Eyes Off This World

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! This prayer is for all who are struggling with worldly lusts, cares, and preoccupations of daily life that are hindering their faith, love, and growing relationship with their beloved Redeemer.

Citizens Of The Heavenly Kingdom

Citizens Of The Heavenly Kingdom

Our Promised Land inheritance is not handed to us on a silver platter. It is handed to those who deny their flesh and to those who walk in holiness before the Lord. Yes, we have been called out of the darkness into the light!

His Presence — A Consuming Fire

His Presence — A Consuming Fire

May the consuming fire of His Presence remove every obstacle and crooked place from ones heart, replacing it with a passionate holy life befitting our great King. At any cost may we walk in the Light!

Consecrate Yourselves

Consecrate Yourselves

Yahshua (Jesus) holiness befits Your house. Cleanse me by the power of Your blood, by the power of Your Spirit, through the sanctification of Your word. Open my ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying..

Deny The God of Self

Deny The God of Self

By the power of the Holy Spirit, we must deny our flesh nature. We must starve it, reject, rebuke, resist, renounce, and repent for indulging our self and its worldly cravings. We are to beat it back lest it overpowers us.

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

May the outpouring of the Holy Spirit through this prayer refresh and renew all who walk on the narrow path of “the way, the truth, and the life” that leads to Yahshua (Jesus) and His eternal Heavenly Kingdom.

Use Your Gifts For God's Glory

Use Your Gifts For God's Glory

The Lord wants His children to use their gifts for His glory. He has invested more talents into you than you can imagine. Learn to pray in a manner that will ensure your potential and life are being fully used for the Father’s glory!

Make Wise Choices

Make Wise Choices

While we still have a little daylight, let us build and prepare for eternity for our offspring and ourselves. May every set of ears hear, with delight to obey, what the Holy Spirit is saying to us in these last hours.

Ready, Waiting, And Wise

Ready, Waiting, And Wise

The Almighty is trying to turn His people to the ways of obedience and righteousness. Only He can prepare them, and HalleluYAH, He is working mightily for those who have ears to hear what the spirit is saying.

Enduring Victoriously To The End

Enduring Victoriously To The End

“Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Messiah …” (1 Peter 4:12-13).

The Divine Courtship

The Divine Courtship

Thank You that I have found the “pearl of exceedingly great price” and I have slowly but surely sold everything for You, to go through those pearly gates of Your home where Your Bride will dwell with You forever

Grace To Overcome Our Sin Nature

Grace To Overcome Our Sin Nature

We must continually “keep watch” on our unruly self-nature and “judge ourselves”, keeping our flesh and strong self will under the control of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the grace to overcome our fallen sin nature.