

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

May the outpouring of the Holy Spirit through this prayer refresh and renew all who walk on the narrow path of “the way, the truth, and the life” that leads to Yahshua (Jesus) and His eternal Heavenly Kingdom.

Prayer For Courage And Patient Endurance

Prayer For Courage And Patient Endurance

The Almighty speaks of the difficult times that are coming in the end days and that it would require great endurance and perseverance for those who do His Commandments and hold to the testimony of Yahshua.

"To Live Is Yahshua And To Die Is Gain"

"To Live Is Yahshua And To Die Is Gain"

Those who are eagerly waiting for our Savior will rejoice and shine as a beacon light of faith and peace in the midst of the ever increasing terrors, dismays, and desolations that are prophesied to come on the earth.

Be Prepared To Hear What The Spirit Is Saying

Be Prepared To Hear What The Spirit Is Saying

The Almighty longs to touch your eyes, open your ears, and set you free from all chains and spiritual encumbrances. Indeed, Yahveh is preparing His remnant to do mighty exploits as long as their hearts are purified.

It Is The Spirit Who Gives Life; The Flesh Profits Nothing

It Is The Spirit Who Gives Life; The Flesh Profits Nothing

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:63) Are you going to let Yahshua (Jesus), through you, bring forth His words that are spirit and life?