
An Intimate Prayer To Our First Love

An Intimate Prayer to Our First Love

I thank you that You are such a loving Father that wants to be close to me. In response, the heart that You have put in me longs to be in separately close to You at all times. Thank You that You are my heart’s desire. I long to be near You, I long to be with You; it is home. There is no place like being at home with You, My Father and My beloved Bridegroom. I thank You, Yahveh [Lord] that You have grown me up to be mature enough to feel like this, to be like this, to live like this, to long like this, and to carry on my affairs like this. Thank you that You have created me before the foundations of the world to be this close to You. As I grow closer and closer I want others to come closer and closer that they can be in Your loving presence and glorify and worship You.

I know this can only be done by Your Spirit and by Truth. Thank You for doing such a mighty work in my heart to fulfill the desire of Your heart; that You will have those who will worship You, in Your presence, in Spirit and in truth. (see John 4:24) There is no other life apart from You, this is the abundant life. This is joy unspeakable filled with Your glory. I have yielded my life to You, placing it daily on Your heavenly altar as an acceptable sacrifice that You continually purify with Your holy consuming fiery presence. May I continue to place everything on Your altar, as I daily learn to extract the precious things of You from the worthless things of this world. Thank You, that I am forsaking everything for You, my first and foremost love. It is nothing, it is like forsaking a pile of manure. I am walking away from the sickening stench of it to follow You. You are the Lily of the Valley, You are the Rose of Sharon, You are My most handsome of handsome glorious Bridegroom.

I ask You to help those who are around me who are jealous of my love for You and utmost passionate desire to be obedient to follow You. Father, their jealous hearts might cause other little ones to stumble. Thank You that You will take care of that. In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name.