His Presence — A Consuming Fire
Holiness Befits Your House
Psalm 93:5
- A Prayer of Worship and Adoration -
“I can be purified by Your consuming fire and not destroyed””
Yahshua (Jesus) King of kings, I come in reverential awe and honor before You who is “a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29). HalleluYAH for Your blood that gives me entrance into the Holy of Holies, to stand in Your life changing presence without my sins condemning me. There I can be purified by that consuming fire and not destroyed. Oh, Your presence, may it fill me up to overflowing, that the reality of You leave the intellect and become a passion and drive within me. I ask for that passion to come into my heart that it will motivate me, consume me, drive me forward on that narrowing path of righteousness. Passion beyond that which I have ever known that will take religion and shatter it because it is a stumbling block. You want a relationship with Your bride to be a relationship with one who is so enthralled and impassioned with You that nothing stands in the way. That there be no adulterous looks in my heart and in my eyes. That the adulterous looks will be gone, that the idolatry and the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life are ripped away and righteous garments, befitting the King of glory, are given to me; adorning me, making me fit to enter into Your eternal glorious presence.
“I cannot push my way into Your presence. Therefore, I must be consecrated, HELP ME to be consecrated!””
Not by my might can this be done, but by Your Spirit. I have no power, only do I “boast in my weakness”. “I am weak but You are strong” (2Corinthians 12:9-10). I am weak but with the humility to acknowledge my weakness Your power is perfected. You will have a holy people. Nothing short of holiness is befitting You, the King of Glory. That which falls short of Your glory will not enter into Your presence, it will either be covered in the blood here and now through repentance or it will make a chasm and I will end up in an abyss far from You. I cannot push my way into Your presence. Therefore, I must be consecrated, HELP ME to be consecrated!
Yahveh may I take a moment to commune with you and You with me
“Yahveh (LORD), teach me, that there be no lip service, no distance in my heart, that there be no ritualism or vain worship of You””
YAHveh show me those places, let the crooked places, and they are many in my life, let them be made straight. For holy is the One who says, ”MAKE STRAIGHT PATHS FOR THE COMING OF YAHVEH” (Matthew 3:3). Let the high places, of pride and arrogance, let them come down by Your Spirit. Holy are You! Worthy are you! You will have a place to reside within me as I seek You, not in my flesh, not with good sincere intentions, but by Your spirit, to worship You in Your truth, plumb line straight biblical truth. You are preparing me, I choose to yield and submit and obey and not to disobey, stiffen my neck and find no place in Your eternal presence. You are sovereign. Your blood is on the mercy seat for me. “Who will not fear You, O YAHveh, and glorify Your name,” (Revelation 15:4) for the time of judgments to begin is at hand.
I recognize apart from You I can do nothing. I say, “Here I am, I am a (son/daughter) of unclean lips. Touch me Father, cleanse my heart, purify me from that which is false, deceptive, man tainted, polluted, and distorted, that out of the abundance of my heart, through purified consecrated lips, I will speak only truth.” I know that no deceit is to be found in the mouths of those who enter Your eternal kingdom, the Messianic kingdom to come. I must know Your ways and walk in them. YAHveh (LORD), teach me, that there be no lip service, no distance in my heart, that there be no ritualism or vain worship of You. Teach me to walk in Your ways in intimate fellowship, yoked in bonds of eternal love and oneness with You. I want to be with You, “One day in Your courts is far better than a thousand days anywhere else,” (Psalm 84:10) and if I have anything that I long for that is more important than that I know I have something wrong with my relationship to You and it must be corrected.
Mighty are You, at the close of this age, to give discernment and wisdom to those who desire at any cost to walk in the light—Your full council of truth. I pray You will correct the crooked places in me, that the simplicity and profundity of worshipping and adoring You will be the greatest desire and fulfillment of my heart.” In YAHshua’s Name, So be it.