
A Prayer To Recognize And Flee Deception

A Prayer to Recognize and Flee Deception


Throughout History, Satan the wicked “ruler of this world,” has insidiously infiltrated both Judaism and Christianity along with all of humanity. His massive agenda of deception has led to rampant global rebellion against the one true living God and Savior. Indeed, from the Garden of Eden throughout biblical and world history, the devil, who our Savior rightly called “the father of lies” (John 8:44), has led mankind to question, deny, defy, and rebel against the Almighty God, and all who love and obey Him and His eternal unchangeable truth. His insidious strategies have resulted in many distorted and polluted empty forms of religion that oppose the Spirit of truth and consequently lack the abiding life changing presence of our Savior’s Holy Spirit.

The biblical apostles foresaw this astronomical height of religious deception and the falling away from pure biblical truth; they along with others prophesied of this grievous reality. Many prophesies from Old and New Testaments foretold of this climactic revolt against the Most High God that has ultimately prepared the way for the anti-messiah in these last days. Satan’s age old agenda of lies has inevitably led to an apostate religious system with its many man invented denominations, doctrines, and traditions. Consequently, there has been a continual veering and falling away from truth leading to the practicing and spreading of more and more falsehood, which is called “apostasy”.

Peter, the apostle, warned, “There will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies … many will follow their sensuality [indulging the flesh instead of the Spirit], and because of them the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words” (2 Peter 2:1-3). Apostle Paul, with great sorrow, cautioned the redeemed to be on guard, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine” (2Timothy 4:3-4). “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, … I know that after my departure savage wolves [in sheep’s clothing] will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things [deception] to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish you with tears” (Acts 20:29).

Undeniably, we are seeing this dramatic apostasy within predominately Gentile Christianity as well as the rampant parallel progression of deception within the various religious and political systems of the world. We are witnessing the “progressive movement” propelled by the powerful aggression of lies. Through this progression away from truth, Satan has led massive amounts of humanity into the global rebellion and revolution against the Holy One of Israel, the Messiah, the Jewish people, and His blood redeemed righteous remnant.

Humanity is being prepared for the anti-messiah [antichrist] to make his entrance on the world stage. Grievously, a growing number of professing believers have been deceived through apostasy and prepared to become vulnerable and ignorant of Satan’s ultimate destructive agenda. Yahshua [Jesus] warned, “For false messiah’s and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).

Dear ones, WE MUST BE AWARE OF SATAN’S SCHEMES lest we unknowingly fall prey to deception, rebellion, and abominations that grieve the Holy Spirit of truth! May our Heavenly Father keep us from all temptations and deliver us from every form of deceptive strategy of “the evil one”. May Yahshua [Jesus] guide us with truth and light through these perilous dark times, making us more than conquerors over the enemy of our souls. HalleluYAH! HE IS FAITHFUL! We must be also!


 Father in heaven, I thank You that You are getting my attention and directing my heart to seek You in ways that are deeper and higher than I have known.  I want to know the truth and recognize areas in my spiritual walk that do not line up with Your Word. Please open my eyes, ears, mind, and heart that I will receive every bit of transforming truth, light, and deliverance from any and every bondage to deception and falsehood.  I want to follow You Yahshua (Jesus), my Passover Lamb because You poured out Your blood to redeem me to come out of this world, to be separated and holy for Your praise, honor, and glory.  I ask You to stimulate my spiritual appetite that I hunger and thirst for righteousness and that You bless me by opening up Your Word to me, and according to truth I will forsake all that is foreign, man-made, and unbiblical. Yahshua [Jesus], You are the light of the world, please help me to walk in the light of Your truth more and more as the darkness increases in these last days. I thank You for hearing my prayer and being faithful to answer. I do love You and want to be found obedient, faithful, holy, and pleasing in Your sight. In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name Amen.