
Not By Might Nor By Power

Not by Might nor by Power, but by My Spirit, Says YAHveh

Zechariah 4:6

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Those who will not humble themselves, who bow their knees to another god, they, along with the god they bow their knee to, will be destroyed. YAHveh is going to teach us to truly think with the mind of YAHshua (Jesus) (see 1 Corinthians 2:16). All carnal thoughts, all thoughts that stem from being inhabitants of this earth, are going to be overtaken by the mind of our King. We, the supernatural, born-again, new creation, will have the mindset of our Savior. There will be no fear of what is coming for those who are established in love (1 John 4:18), in the kingdom of our God and Savior who is love.

Light is rising upon us even now in the name of YAHshua (Jesus,) to the glory of YAHveh, whose light dispels the darkness. The molecules of darkness are deadly. They are poison; they are from the prince of darkness. They have nothing to do with the Prince of Light, Peace, and Joy. The molecules of darkness have a magnetic pull. We are not to have anything to do with what is dark. We are to keep our eyes on what is light, the Father of lights, who gives good and perfect gifts to His children (James 1:17).

We are in the school of preparation, separation, and transformation from glory to glory to bring His light, truth, and love to a lost and dying world.

Every word that is spoken is yes and so be it from our King. It is His will and good pleasure to transform us into His image (2 Corinthians 4:4) that we will live forever with Him and represent Him while we are still on earth. Then others will see the manifestation of His light, glory, truth, and love in and through a remnant who has already experienced death to themselves; that there is no more death that awaits them.

What pertains to this world system does not pertain to the citizens of YAHveh’s kingdom, of which we are citizens, and are registered to represent and bring it at hand. We are to manifest it so that others can see it and want the King of kings. May we be very vigilant not to fall into the attitudes of the carnal nature and the things that so easily beset humanity. We are to keep our eyes set on YAHshua (Jesus) who is lifting us high above this world to sit in heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6). There we will receive fresh instruction and the imbibing of His Spirit’s power to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) in these last days.


I thank You, YAHveh (LORD), that You are separating me from the flesh and this world so that I will not share in its judgments. By Your grace I have come out of the world. I have come out. I have fled to Your Presence because I have longed for You more than life. You are the way (John 14:6). You have lead me to Your truths that have set me free into the light of Your eternal kingdom. And I will walk in the light. As Israel had light and Egypt had darkness (Exodus 10:21-23), I will have Your light and see the distinction in a way that transcends what happened in Egypt when darkness covers the face of the earth.

I take to heart that I am a new creation in You, YAHshua (Jesus), the old things passed away; behold, new things have come (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). I am called as Your ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20), empowered by Your love that casts out all fear, to go forth and do Your will. I am to bring forth the truth that set me free so that others might be set free. I am to destroy the work of the evil one that holds them in bondage. Not through my might or power but by Your Spirit through me (Zechariah 4:6). I ask to be an instrument that You will speak through, act through, and perform mighty signs and wonders through that will set the captives free, open blind eyes and deaf ears, and bring life to those who are spiritually dead. I pray You show forth the riches of Your glory!

Father, thank You for calling me to come and sit at Your feet—and there I pray You deposit more of the aptitude of Your Son into my mind and heart. Thank You for the incomparable privilege, honor, unspeakable joy, and glory that transforms me every time I come into Your Presence. You are giving me instructions and clarifying what You are doing, that I might understand the move of Your Spirit in and through me. You are taking the very molecules of my being that cannot be destroyed and are in the process of making them into the eternal and imperishable.Glory HalleluYAH Amen!