
Prayer For Courage In The Face Of Persecution

Prayer for Courage in the Face of Persecution

Yahshua (Jesus) said, “In this world you will have tribulation but be of good courage I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) We do not known what awaits us but one thing for sure, our Savior and His apostles made it explicitly clear how much suffering is involved for those who follow Yahshua (Jesus) with the crucifixion stake being their lives, dying to the flesh under great trials to endure to the end victoriously. (Luke 9:23, Matthew 24:13)


Heavenly Father, I thank You for speaking to me through Your Word of the trials and persecutions that await me, as Your redeemed child. Yahshua (Jesus) apart from Your strength I am weak, I am asking You for a spiritual backbone of courage that will sustain me in faith and perseverance, regardless of what I may have to suffer. May I endure it victoriously so that You will be praised, honored, and glorified. Help me not to be a fearful coward, the prophesied realities that are coming frighten me at times. Your Word says that You have not given me a spirit of timidity but of power and authority to be more than a conqueror over my flesh and its fears that would hinder me.

Yahshua (Jesus), when You come I know that You will looking for a persevering faith on the earth. I beseech You, my master and Lord of my life, that I will not shrink back and disappoint You, regardless of the trials, hardships, and persecutions. I humbly ask You for the help of Your Holy Spirit, I want to be faithful to You as You were faithful to me, as You laid down Your life as a martyr. Thank you for shedding Your blood to cleanse me from my sins, that I would be holy and acceptable in Your sight to live with You in Your kingdom forever. Your grace is sufficient for me for when I am weak I am strong because all that I need is in You. Please help me, I need Your overcoming power so that fear will not cripple me, and faith will strengthen me to be a valiant witness, along with all those who have suffered for You in the past.

Yahshua (Jesus) You said, “the one who endures to the end will be saved.” I pray that I will be part of the righteous remnant who are called, chosen, and faithful in the face of the Enemy and his hatred for Your Holy Spirit living in and through me. My Savior, thank You that You forewarned me saying, “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you”, “if the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you”, and "blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great.” Your words are becoming vital instruction for me in these wicked end times. It is alarmingly obvious that Satan, through many evil people, is advancing his kingdom of darkness against You and Your followers who stand with You for truth and righteousness.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the peace and Your unfailing love to bless those who persecute me, and to forgive them, knowing they do not realize they are serving Satan who hates me because You live in my heart. I thank You for hearing me and answering my plea. I trust that by Your grace my faith will be so fortified that I will rejoice that I am counted worthy to suffer with You and for You. I ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit to glorify my Father in heaven as You glorified Him through all Your trials, persecutions, and death. Heavenly Father, I praise You, I thank You that I am getting strengthened in my faith as I pray this. I feel Your Spirit fortifying me, even now, giving me the spiritual backbone that I am asking for. By Your grace I will not grieve You by being a coward. Instead, I will be a courageous valiant overcoming follower of You, my Savior, who willingly laid down Your life as a lamb going to the sacrificial altar, for the glory of the Father.

Holy One, I praise and thank You, I surrender all to You, my blessed Savior. My life is not my own, it belongs to You. You purchased me with Your very own blood. If it be Your will to know You in the depths of Your suffering, even in a martyr’s death, I thank You for being counted worthy to suffer with You. I desire to know You more intimately through every persecution, every accusation from the enemy, every painful, hurtful, derogatory thing that could come my way, because of You living in and through me. I pray I will not hang my head but I will lift it high, and I will glorify You even to my last breath as I suffer hardship with You as a good soldier. Yahshua (Jesus) I want to know You in Your suffering that I will know You in Your resurrection power. Thank You that You will never forsake or leave me. I trust Your unfailing love to help me endure to the end and stand before You unashamed, as one who overcame by unwavering faith, triumphant over death and the grave. In the name of Yahshua (Jesus) Amen.