A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest — It's Midnight Ministries Top

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A Prayer For A Bountiful Righteous Harvest

A Prayer for A Bountiful Righteous Harvest


Father in heaven, You are the One who produces the good seeds of truth and You are the One who plants them that they might grow and produce a righteous harvest for Your glory. I praise and thank You that Your Son, my Savior Yahshua (Jesus), planted good seeds in my heart. I ask You to forgive me for cultivating seeds that were not sown by You, but by the Evil One. I ask You to give me great discernment to recognize his deceptive strategies and evil seeds that I have cultivated more than Your righteous seeds of truth. Please give me wisdom to be a wise caretaker of the harvest field of my life and to quickly repent and uproot the seeds that were sown by the Enemy. Forgive me for the times that I have cultivated the flesh and the seeds of selfish desires and self indulgence. I am beginning to recognize all that comes from my self nature can no longer be justified because I see it truly is a by product of Satan’s work and I do not want to have anything to do with the “deeds of darkness”. I thank You for exposing them to me that I might live in a manner worthy of You, my Holy God and Savior.

Please help me to bear a harvest that is not skimpy but bountiful; producing so much righteous fruit that others will recognize that it is You living through me. Please forgive and help me to die daily to my selfish ambitions and worldly inclinations. Thank You for making it clear that being a friend to the world, which seems so natural, makes me Your enemy. Now, I understand that all the things of the flesh are Satan’s realm and You delivered me out of it to live in the realm of Your Holy Spirit. I am humble before You. I understand that my sins have brought curses upon me and my family.

Oh my God, have mercy on me, I am a sinner! I have lived too much, too long, in a way that seemed right to me according to my fleshy desires. Forgive me for being double minded, confessing You with my mouth while my heart and affections were far away from You, focused on that which is not of Your Spirit and has no eternal value. I now see that You alone deserve the focus of my heart and affection because I am not my own. Yahshua (Jesus) You paid the ultimate price to purchase me to bear holy fruit for Your praise, honor, and glory. I know that I am a wretched sinner and so unworthy of Your blessings. Praise be to You, my God and Savior, who has given me renewed hope and joy because of the merciful sacrifice of Your blood to lovingly forgive and cleanse me of my repentant sins.

Again, I ask you to forgive me for gravitating to the seducing enticements of this world which are a worthless investment of my time, energy, money, and my life. Heavenly Father, I want to be busy about Your kingdom business seeking Your will and Your good pleasure. Thank you for redeeming me and giving me wisdom to choose life and blessings in the Spirit and preparing me to be ready and waiting for You and Your Kingdom.

Thank You my Savior for giving Your life to redeem me. May I uphold Your precious blood and never ever trample it again by going back to the world with its evil and eternally harmful temptations. I am rededicating my life to You as a living sacrifice made holy and acceptable through Your blood cleansing away my sins. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to help me glorify You by righteous obedience, in and through my words and actions. I praise and worship You for Your amazing grace to forgive my sins and come into my heart and make me a new, holy, spiritual creation for Your kingdom and honor. Halleluyah, I am on my way to the promised land never looking back to the world and all of its trinkets, junk, and rotten fruit! May I be counted as one who is “sold out” exchanging everything as fast as I can for more and more of You and the riches of Your eternal kingdom and glory! In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name Amen.


Complimentary Teachings
