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“From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of Yahveh is to be praised” ”
Yahshua (Jesus) was a man acquainted with sorrows, and He let us know beforehand that we too would go through times of great sorrow as He proclaimed, “there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Isaiah 53:3, Matthew 24:21) The lamentation will be so great that there will be no light or joy other than in the true believers. One of the greatest gifts for the “born again” servants of Yahveh is they have been given an open heaven and are welcomed into their Heavenly Father’s presence through their prayers, praises, thanksgivings, and worship. (John 3:3, Hebrews 10:19-22) Listen and be blessed to heed the divine appointment that our God and Savior has extended to us, to come before Him to bring Him sacrifices in hearts overflowing with praise and thanksgiving, “Praise, O servants of Yahveh, Praise the name of Yahveh. Blessed be the name of Yahveh From this time forth and forever. From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of Yahveh is to be praised.” (Psalm 113:1-3) This Psalm magnifies that there is to be no break in the ascending praises from His creation. From this moment on to forever more, from the time we awake to the time we go to sleep, His servants are to take to heart this mandate that praise is to be a continual manifestation in and through us of the power of the Holy Spirit’s life in us, fulfilling the Creator’s desire that we be instruments of praise. These are vital expressions not only to glorify our Father and to rejoice our hearts, but they're given to us as safeguards on how to “endure victoriously” and be “more than conquerors” in these last days of sorrows, great hardship, and tribulation. (Matthew 10:22, Romans 8:37) They’re essential. No one will be able to stay high above in the Father’s presence when the world is sinking in a miry pit of destruction and anguish if they do not implement and appropriate these Yahveh-given tools.
We are told in the Scripture, “God raised us up with Messiah and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Messiah Yahshua [Jesus]” and “if we have been raised with Messiah, we are to keep seeking the things that are above, where Messiah is seated at the right hand of God.” (Ephesians 2:6, see Colossians 3:1) The whole spiritual atmosphere in Yahveh’s throne room is surrounded with all the hosts of heaven that are praising Him. As it is written, “They do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Yahveh God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” “…With a loud voice they proclaim: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” And “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing, the honor, the glory, and the dominion forever and ever.” (Revelation 4:8-11, 5:11,12,13 ) Yahveh gave us that revelation of what is going on in heaven not just to know about it but to be in unison with their praises down here, filling the earth with praises that ascend and are added to the eternal chorus that surrounds His throne. This rejoices our Father the King of the Universes heart that we are one with all the host that fills heaven, dispelling the darkness with our praises that have the power of heaven behind them.
““Yahveh You are holy, enthroned in the praises [of Your people]” ”
We were given “breath by which to praise Him”, it is a gift by which we fill the world with His worship, perforating the band of demonic darkness surrounding this earth. (Psalm 150:6) More and more glory is ascending because Yahshua (Jesus) is inhabiting our praises. As it is written, “Yahveh You are holy, enthroned in the praises [of Your people].” (see Psalm 22:3) He is literally making portals that are open for His glory to come down and for His glory to ascend for those who praise Him. This is the way that the Almighty God has created praises, they are such a powerful ascending force that help others who are so pulled down in darkness, despair, and depression. Our praises set a momentum in the Spirit, they are an example and a flow that has the power to help others elevate their sights heavenward when they join in the chorus of praise. It is a power that lifts people high high above this earthly realm with all of its gloom and gravitational pulls and transforms their whole presence from darkness to light and sorrow to joy. It is a spiritual contagious force if people will allow it to overcome them and lift them up above those things that are keeping them so weighed down and heavy hearted.
We were created to praise our holy God and Savior. (Isaiah 43:21, 1 Peter 2:9) Our number one calling is to give Him praise, honor, and glory through our words and deeds. The Psalmist proclaims, “Praise Yahveh, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.” (Psalm 103:1) “Through Him then, let’s continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips praising His name.” (Hebrews 13:14-15) We are to praise and thank Him for this is His perfect will. (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18) Praise O servants of Yahveh, all glory and honor and power and dominion wealth and might and blessings belong to Him forever and ever! (see Revelation 5:13) To Him be glory, glory, glory there is none like Yahveh the lover of our souls! Only He deserves preeminence, only He deserves praise. All glory and praise is reserved for Yahveh and Him alone!! The redeemed are “to walk as our Savior walked” in a state of continual communication of praise, prayer, and thanksgiving to our Father, which is the language of the Spirit combined with cultivated faith. (see 1 John 2:6)
““Do not grieve, for the joy of Yahveh [the Lord] is your strength” Through faith, He gives us strength to praise Him in the midst of all trials and tribulations. ”
We have to have faith in order to praise Him. It is written, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) What we hope for is based on His promises in His written word and the sovereignty of His love for those who are His children, heirs to all the “riches of His glory” in His coming holy Kingdom. (See Ephesians 1:18) This is why we have every reason and no excuse why we are not praising Him. How natural and essential praise is, it is the overcoming power that faith has expressed through praise. Praise keeps us buoyant in the Spirit, making us “more than conquerors” through Yahshua (Jesus) who lives in and through us. (Romans 8:37) His Spirit compels us by faith to give our God and Savior praise. When we are alive in the Spirit we will live with Him forever, regardless of what hardship happens to us down here, it is only the momentary trials and tribulations that are perfecting us. In that perfection we praise and thank Him that He knows how to prepare His children to be found pure and spotless and joyous in His sight when we behold Him face to face. Indeed, when we are living a life of faith we know that “He works all things together for good because we love Him and are called according to His holy purpose.” (Romans 8:28) As it is written, “Do not grieve, for the joy of Yahveh [the Lord] is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10) Through faith, He gives us strength to praise Him in the midst of all trials and tribulations. The joy that is expressed in praise and the praise that brings joy gives us the strength from Yahveh because He inhabits our praises and when He inhabits our praises we lack nothing.
Are you grateful for your eternal life, of course you are, then thank Him. Start thanking Him and praising Him for who He is like a little child, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8) This will help you to praise Him because you fill your mind with the things that are praiseworthy. We are to “rejoice in Yahveh always”, it is a safeguard for us from “the prince of the air” who drains us spiritually by filling us up with the darkness that entices our flesh, which is the permeation of all the negative demonic factors that are flooding this earth. (Philippians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2) These cannot touch us when we are high above praising Yahveh. If we implement these skills with a whole heart by His Spirit, they are the heavenly tool set by which we are "more than conquerors” over bondage to our flesh, the world, and Satan’s rulership, which is dark, depressing, and despairing, bringing utmost destruction to our whole wellbeing body, soul, spirit, and mind. (Romans 8:37) We all need every benefit to overcome and we are not going to overcome without being praisers, it will never happen.
“As long as we have breath we are to praise Yahveh because that keeps the portals of heaven opened for His light to come forth and touch, inundate, and transform others by His presence and glory””
We must understand Yahveh’s immeasurable effect that causes all praise to have multiple purposes in ways that transcend our understanding. The more we praise the more He is inhabiting the earth and penetrating this world. As long as we have breath we are to praise Yahveh because that keeps the portals of heaven opened for His light to come forth and touch, inundate, and transform others by His presence and glory. Through the obedience of His children’s loving hearts, that overflow with what they have been created to be as praisers and worshippers of Yahveh we are in His midst. He is in our midst, and we are surrounded with His glorious presence that “transforms us from glory to glory”. (2 Corinthians 3:18) There is joy unspeakable because we are drawn so close to Him as He is drawing near to us as we praise Him. It flows naturally from us like a wellspring overflowing with praises because it is such a wondrous, miraculous place to live in. When we praise Him, we are with Him, and we are high above this earthly realm united with Him as He is indwelling us. There we are immersed in His irresistible love and we get to know Him more intimately and more personally.
The King of the Universe fills our hearts with His presence, but if we withhold the praises that are due to Him, and the worship that is part of those praises, we are robbing Him breaking the commandment, “You shall love Yahveh your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.and you shall have no other gods before Him that receive your worship. (Mark 12:30, Exodus 20:4-5) Therein, we are also breaking the commandment thou shall not steal, because we are robbing Yahveh by giving to ourselves and our idols the love, worship, and praise that is due to Him our Creator and God alone. (Exodus 20:15) It is time to grow up and stop looking for what we can receive and only praising Him for what we get. So many people exchange Yahveh’s glorious presence and go back to desiring and being preoccupied with the world. Yahveh in heaven with all of heaven’s host has a holy gasp of indignation, proclaiming as it is written in the book of Jeremiah, “a horrible and shocking thing has happened! (Jeremiah 5:30) “My people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols! The heavens are shocked at such a thing and shrink back in horror and dismay,” says Yahveh.” (Jeremiah 2:11-12) An idol is anything that takes our focus, affection, attention, our praise and worship off our eternal King and Redeemer. People get fixated on the here and now, the tangible things, and the gift of His glorious presence bestowed upon us is exchanged for the worthless things that we can see, feel, and touch.
Only the supernatural “born again” children of Yahveh will have great joy in the midst of the final judgments that will “confront the inhabitants of the earth.” (John 3:3, Isaiah 24:17) We read in Isaiah from the four corners of the earth all of Yahveh's righteous children will be in one accord praising Him with songs of joy and thanksgiving saying, “glory to the Righteous One” … for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.” (Isaiah 24:18) They will proclaim, O LORD Yahveh, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1) The world will be destroyed as we know it in order for Yahshua to rule and reign over this whole earth that will be cleansed and purified by all of the judgments and all sin and sinners will be destroyed under His righteous indignation because they belong to Satan. ( 2 Peter 3:10) They were his children and they did not want Yahshua (Jesus), they did not want the truth and He gave them over to believing the lies. (see John 8:44, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12) But to those who are His He gave us the gift of life to spend eternity now, in His presence and forever. That is why He is our “exceedingly great reward”, the fullness of all and everything our heart’s desire. (Genesis 15:1)
“Faith, and the language of faith being praise, is the antidote that will keep us high above depression, dismay, despair, and the overwhelming darkness that is filling this earth with its multifold destructive power””
For the joy set before us we will overcome. As Yahshua for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) We have to keep that joy set before us and implement by faith the praises that will keep us “high above the heads of our enemies”, because everything we see, hear, and experience around us, and within our heart in the natural, will be sinking into despair. (See Psalm 27:6) In these last days it is going to be so hard for people to praise unless they have their hopes and joys in the Kingdom and they are continuing to fulfill His mandate to be praisers and worshippers of Him. Faith, and the language of faith being praise, is the antidote that will keep us high above depression, dismay, despair, and the overwhelming darkness that is filling this earth with its multifold destructive power. Let us be acclimated to praising Him in the times before the fullest measure of judgments and darkness covers this earth. In that elevated state of praise, inhabited by Yahveh, we will be filled up to overflowing with continual praise as we look forward to the day we will be in His Kingdom praising Him eternally with all Yahveh’s redeemed children and the host of heaven. The angels are crying, “Holy!” And we are crying,”Holy, holy is Yahveh and worthy to be praised, adored, and worshipped now and forever more!” This is the dynamic of praise!! The heavenly dynamic and infinite purpose of praise. Glory, glory, glory halleluYAH! That is why the psalmist cries out, “Let everything that has breath praise Yahveh [the LORD]!” (Psalm 150:6)