NEW AUDIO Prayer of praise
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A Prayer of Praise
“May our hearts be filled with such faith that the fluent language of faith is expressed in continual praise, thanksgiving, and worship to You””
Thank You Father in Heaven, that praise is the expression of our hearts filled with faith and love for You that “out of the abundance of our hearts our mouths speak”. (Luke 6:45) Father in heaven, “Your loving kindness is better than life. Our lips praise You.” (Psalm 63:3) We bless You because our hearts are filled with faith in You for You have given Your Son's very life in our place to bear our sins in His body and to pour out His blood through such passionate love to cover our horrific, inherited sin nature. (Romans 5:8) Thank You that we are now clothed in Your Son’s righteousness and the grace and power of the Holy Spirit dwells in us. (see 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1:22) We have the seed of faith and it is cultivated as we praise You Yahshua (Jesus) and lift up our hearts to You, the One who purchased us with the highest price of Your life that we would learn, by Your Spirit in us, to walk as You walked, to speak the truth in love as You spoke always to the glory of Your Father. (1 Corinthians 6:20, 1 John 2:6, Ephesians 4:15, John 17:1) May our hearts be filled with such faith that the fluent language of faith is expressed in continual praise, thanksgiving, and worship to You. As you expressed this is Your Father's heart to have those “who will worship Him in spirit and uncompromised biblical truth.” (John 4:23) Yahshua having You live in us, is having the truth dwelling within us, and from our lips, with an overflowing heart of faith, the truth will come forth in praises that say yes and amen to every word that You have spoken. Your Truth causes our faith to be magnified, multiplied, and expressed through greater and greater measures of prayer, praise and thanksgiving. Messiah You live in us to uphold and do Your Father’s perfect will. We are children of the Most High, redeemed to be “praisers of Yahveh.”
“We will endure to the end through faith that expresses the language of praise as the overflow of our hearts, because of the joy set before us of being with You in Your Kingdom””
As Your children, we are joined in unison with heaven's hosts to worship, praise, and fill heaven and earth with the praises and glory of our Father. The power of Your indwelling Spirit has separated us out of the flesh, out of the world, out of the grip of Satan, “the prince of this world”, so that we are set free to praise, worship, and bring You great glory. (John 14:30) HalleluYah for the power of the expression of praise, the fullness of our faith. If we are not praising You, then we are not walking in faith. Yahshua, You made it clear that only “those who endure to the end will be saved”. (Matthew 24:13) We will endure through faith that expresses the language of praise as the overflow of our hearts because of the joy set before us of being with You in Your Kingdom. We are to “live, and move, and have our being in Your Spirit”. (Acts 17:28) We pray to continue to grow up until our hearts, as little children are growing into praisers that continually thank You for all You have done to set us free. We are Your children, our “names are written in Your book”, “not one hair of our head will be touched” through all the trials and tribulations on this earth. (Luke 10:20, 21:18) “We will never see death” “we are alive in You Yahshua”, and You are alive forever! (John 8:51, Ephesians 2:5, Revelation 1:17-18) HalleluYah! “The same power that raised You from the dead is going to raise us up at the appointed time” to be with You “face to face in Your kingdom”, “sharing the inheritance of the riches of Your glory”. (Ephesians 1:18-20, Revelation 22:4) Yahshua (Jesus) You are the ultimate gift, the exceedingly great reward of those who truly love You and we “love You with all our hearts, minds, soul, and strength”. (Genesis 15:1, Mark 12:30) “You in us is our hope of glory”. (Colossians 1:27) “We know for ourselves that You are in the Father, and we are in You, and You are in us.” (See John 14:20)
“Thank You that we are “more than conquerors” over this flesh, over this world and as we praise You we continually defeat the enemy’s grip, because You lift us so high above his head he can’t touch us””
Thank You Father in Heaven that “our lives are hidden in You” and that we are not of this earth and all that's going on continually around us. (Colossians 3:3) Thank You that as we praise You, You keep us high and lifted up above this earth. Yahveh, we extend our hearts with overflowing gratitude, love, and thanksgiving to You that our lives belong to You and only You can take good care of us, care that will lead us victoriously and safely into Your kingdom as we pour out our lives that others can be led by Your Spirit as well. We praise and thank You for the divine appointment that You have extended to Your servants that from the rising of the sun to its setting we are all to be praising Your name. (See Psalm 113:1-4) We have wholeheartedly responded with a dedication to also thank You at the rising and setting of the sun that we still are on this earth with the breath You gave us and the bodies You put us in so we could develop into the likeness of Yahshua and bear His holy identity. We praise and thank You that although our wretched flesh belongs to this dying world our spirits belong to You halleluYah. May we continually live in the Spirit away from this world and its pull upon our flesh. Our praises will keep us buoyant high above our flesh, our number one enemy and its pull of the world ruled by Satan. (see John 16:11) Thank You that we are “more than conquerors” over this flesh, over this world and as we praise You we continually defeat the enemy's grip, because You lift us so high above his head. (Romans 8:37, Psalm 27:6) He can't touch us. We're praising You. We're exalting You “in Your presence where there is fullness of joy” that is filled with unspeakable glory. (Psalm 16:11)
“Yahveh “You inhabit the praises of Your holy people”, when we praise You Your Spirit lifts us up as helium lifts up a balloon!”
HalleluYah! “The earth is not our home.” (Hebrews 13:14) If the Spirit lives in us then we live in the Spirit “seated with You at the right hand of the Father”. (see Ephesians 2:6-7) Yahshua (Jesus) we give You praise, adoration, and thanksgiving. Help us Yahveh to continue to live in that elevated place that is our inheritance, our home with You, by You, and for Your glory. It is a time of sorrows down here on earth, but “we're just passing through”. (1 Chronicles 29:15) We praise and thank You for that joyous, most glorious, “blessed hope” and utmost reality that compels us to “work while there's still daylight” when the setting of the sun is upon this earth as we know it and darkness is overtaking it. (See Titus 2:13, John 9:4) Yahveh “You inhabit the praises of Your holy people”, when we praise You Your Spirit lifts us up as helium lifts up a balloon! (Psalm 22:3) We can’t see helium and we can’t see the Holy Spirit but we can see the balloon rising and it is symbolic of the reality that Your indwelling Spirit, when we praise You, lifts us up high above the gravitational pulls of our flesh, this earth, and all of its circumstances. Thank You that as we are freed from our flesh and the pull of this world, the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit through our praises and worship lifts us closer and closer in unity with heaven’s host bringing You the high praises and glory that are due to You “the King of kings”. (Revelation 17:14)
HalleluYah!! halleluYah!! all of heaven’s hosts say it, night and day, night and day eternally.(Revelation 19:1) HalleluYah, let it be that everything that comes out of us be for Your praise, honor and glory to keep us seated with You, praising You, worshiping You, glorifying You, doing Your bidding by the power of Your Spirit in and through us here on earth, as it is in heaven.
HalleluYah to You, halleluYah to Yahshua, halleluYah to the Holy Spirit who lives in us, who teaches us how to stay high above this flesh and the world's pulls in Your holy presence where we are being “changed from glory to glory” as we ascend with more glory to Your throne, now and forever! (2 Corinthians 3:8)