
Seek YAHveh All You Humble Of The Earth

Seek YAHveh All You Humble of the Earth

Zephaniah 1:14

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There is an accountability to speak the truth in love according to Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) words. We need to be in His word more, and we need to be in prayer more. We are to speak His words to and over one another; and if we are at a loss of words, then pure quiet in His presence is the best place we can be. As we wait on Him, He will speak and we will listen.

“Near is the great day of Yahveh (the Lord), near and coming very quickly … In it the warrior cries out bitterly. A day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet and battle cry against the fortified cities and the high corner towers. I will bring distress on men so that they will walk like the blind, because they have sinned against Yahveh; and their blood will be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the day of Yahveh’s wrath; and all the earth will be devoured in the fire of His jealousy, for He will make a complete end, indeed a terrifying one, of all the inhabitants of the earth. Gather yourselves together, yes, gather, O nation without shame, before the decree takes effect—the day passes like the chaff—before the burning anger of Yahveh (the Lord) comes upon you… Seek Yahveh, all you humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances; seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will be hidden in the day of Yahveh’s anger.” (Zephaniah 1:14–2:3)

Our Savior says, “But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36) We won’t be able to stand if we are carrying the baggage of flesh and self with us. If we ask, Yahshua (Jesus) will give us the grace to go through the refiner’s fire by which many will be made ready for the kingdom. Whoever overcomes the flesh and the world and the enemy’s strategies will enter the kingdom through the blood of the Lamb!

Whatever is in you that is not holy, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to you by holding up His standard of righteousness. Once He shows you, you have to repent and make teshuva; turn with repentance and stop doing it. You are to become more and more holy until you are unrecognizable—because now you bear the identity of Yahshua (Jesus). “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ [Messiah], the new creature has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The carnal nature is gone, but you keep it alive. It is dead, but you continue to resurrect it. Our victorious Savior wants to be living His resurrected life in and through you, raising you up to new heights of living, moving, breathing, and having your being in His Spirit, as a citizen of His kingdom. Then others, too, can know Him through your life that magnifies the reality of the King who is love, truth, and righteousness.

Yahveh (the Lord) in essence is saying, “Repent, for the judgments are soon going to come. I gave you a sacrifice. I gave you My only begotten Son, what more can I give? There is nothing left, I have given it all to you to make atonement for your sins. Don’t keep sinning. I am teaching you how to walk as My child and to represent Me and My kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.”

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.” (Revelation 22:17) It is the Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) in you that has made you His bride so that you are in agreement with His Spirit. The blood redeemed, consecrated, are saying as two witnesses and invitations together, “Come, come, come drink of the waters of life. If you want to know Him, if you are thirsty and you are tired of this sun-scorched, barren, demon-possessed land, come. There is a river of life that flows from Yahveh’s throne room, come and drink without cost!”

Yahshua (Jesus) gave His life. Will you give yours? Will you give up your life? It is coming down to that, whether you live out your days and die a natural death or not, you should be long dead to your carnal desires before your body breathes its last breath. Yahveh forbid, you should die while your “flesh” is still alive. Our Messiah’s blood washes away your confessed sins. May your heart be pierced with the reality of the price that was paid, that you will never see death: “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” (Luke 9:24) “Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.” (John 8:51)


Praise be to You, Yahveh (Lord), that You are calling me forward, not to shrink back but to be a humble vessel in these last days. Thank You, Father in Heaven, that You do not spare the rod, for You love me. You continually and lovingly are disciplining and telling me to get in shape, to get in order, to be alert. You want me to be part of that holy remnant who has the loving privilege of knowing and serving You. I thank You, Yahveh, that the life I have is not my own. I am a living sacrifice that has relinquished all my rights to You.