
Language Of Truth Or Lies?

The Language of Truth or Lies

Who is your father? The Father of truth or the father of lies? You will know by the language you speak. It is written, “He who practices deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who speaks falsehood shall not maintain his position before me.” (Psalm 101:7) The book of Revelation states that “no one who loves and practices lying (falsehood) will enter His kingdom.” (Revelation 22:15) Practicing falsehood means that you have not developed a language that is of the Spirit of Truth. Our Savior was very explicit, in essence He said, “If you do not speak truth, which is the only language of the Almighty and His Kingdom you are speaking Satan’s native dialect.”

The children of the father of lies, learn His native language and continually speak his dialect, which equates to — they do not speak the language of truth — the truth that lines up to the Word of the Father of truth who is in heaven”

When our Savior addressed the compromised, self-righteous religious leaders He said, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires ... for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44) Yahshua (Jesus) came to destroy the works of the enemy through our lives and to set the captives free from the enemy’s eternal grip into utmost darkness and torment. (see 1 John 3:8) Our Father, who is in heaven, requires holiness to see Him. “Holiness befits Your house, O Yahveh.” (Psalm 93:5) The children of the father of lies, learn His native language and continually speak his dialect, which equates to: they do not speak the language of truth—the truth that lines up to the Word of the Father of truth who is in heaven, “blessed be His name”. His kingdom and language is love and truth. If we do not speak according to His words of truth we “have no light in us,” we have the darkness that is of the Enemy, and we are speaking and promoting the dialect of lies. (Isaiah 8:20)

We have to be brave, courageous, and faith filled knowing our God and Savior’s Word and speaking truth. If we continue to speak lies, we are those who “practice falsehood.” (Revelation 22:15) We have to learn the dialect and practice truth by speaking it more and more and more. Those who do not practice truth practice falsehood. They do not speak or live according to the Word. When they speak about their God and Savior it is mixed with lies based on the things of this world, the things that seem natural to us, but in reality stem from Satan, the “god of this world” who is the “father of lies.” (2 Corinthians 4:4, John 8:44)

Satan is raging to get full dominion over this earth and to get all the inhabitants to speak and believe his language of lies and deception. He wants all humanity to bow down and worship him, turning from the light, truth, and from the Savior and giver of truth”
— Revelation 12:9-12

It is important to understand the reality of Yahveh’s (the Lord’s) enemy and the enemy of all His redeemed children. It is written, “The serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan … has come to earth, raging and filled with fury.” (Revelation 12:9) Who is he raging against? He is raging against those who will not receive his deception because his whole thrust is to overcome Yahveh and truth. He is raging to get full dominion over this earth and to get all the inhabitants to speak and believe his language of lies and deception. He wants all humanity to bow down and worship him, turning from the light, truth, and from the Savior and giver of truth. “[Satan] knows his time is short” and he has come to “deceive all of the inhabitants of the earth” (as many who will believe his lies) (Revelation 12:12). As Apostle Paul warned, “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3), which is not the truth but is deception. It comes from the father of lies native language and the majority of humanity fluently speaks the “one world” global language of lies. Satan’s progressive one world government, one world religion, one world economy, and one world language, which is from the coming one world leader (the anti-messiah anti-Christ), speaks only lies and all of his citizen will as well.

Only a small “called out, chosen, faithful” remnant are truly “citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Revelation 17:14, Philippians 3:20). These are the Almighty’s redeemed remnant who are continually “working out their salvation” being purified through repentance and the covering of the Savior’s atoning blood. (Philippians 2:12). The truth has set this remnant free and they are making pilgrimage out of this doomed dark world across the “narrow path” called the “Highway of Holiness” (Matthew 7:13-14, Isaiah 35:8) into the Promised Land, His eternal righteous kingdom. These are the redeemed offspring of the Father of truth and the only ones who are becoming fluent in the heavenly language of truth that sets people free and glorifies our God and Savior. It is written, “no lie [nothing false, no deception] is of the truth.” (1 John 2:21) Everything short of truth is deception and a lie. Make no mistake it is not from the Father, it is from Satan. It is his diabolical plan to eradicate the reality of truth and the language of truth.

These grievous realities that we are witnessing were prophetically foretold to Daniel. He saw “the truth being thrown to the ground”, “the sanctuary of Yahveh destroyed” with “deceit prospering.” (Daniel 8:12, 25) Reading the book of Daniel has so much truth pertaining to the days we are in. It is reading as true media showing us what is happening and not the false media that lies to perpetrate the kingdom of darkness that is brainwashing the listeners to believe their deception. This is why Apostle Peter gave a very powerful exhortation, “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place.” (2 Peter 1:19) “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21) “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful lying spirits and doctrines of demons.” (1 Timothy 4:1)

Where ever your words originate from will testify against you, either guilty or innocent. Did you choose only small talk of this passing infinitesimal little world when you have the choice to speak about the kingdom, the King, and bring Him glory with your whole life poured out to worship and serve Him? Those words are going to be the tell tale sign of what is in the abundance and overflow of your heart, where they originated from and the purpose of them. No one’s excuses will even be heard at the great judgment seat. “By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.” “Every idle word that we may speak, we will give an account for it on the day of judgment.” It is going to be weighed in the balance. It is going to stand and testify against us if it comes out of the abundance of a self centered worldly heart of pride of speaking and doing one’s own will.”
— Matthew 12:36-37

The language of truth, faith, praise, and worship is the pouring out of our lives in a holy sacrifice, which is due to Yahshua (Jesus) for all He has done for us.