
Be Prepared

I Die Daily

I Die Daily

We need to be filling our lamps and trimming our wicks, which means getting rid of sin. We must wield the sword of the Spirit as we keep fighting the good fight of faith while getting rid of those things that pull us down.

Shine Brightly Like The Stars Forever And Ever

Shine Brightly Like The Stars Forever And Ever

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of Yahveh has risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1). Yahveh’s glorious presence is the grace that is going to be given to you in measure upon measure to shine as a bright star.

From Strength To Strength

From Strength To Strength

The Almighty’s love and strength never fail. He has done great things. He is fueling us by His Spirit so we can continue on this highway to Zion. Oh, He is strengthening our legs even now to keep ascending His holy mountain.

YAHveh Is Our Refuge And Strength

YAHveh Is Our Refuge And Strength

The only place you can trust that you are going to hear the truth is in the word of Yahveh. Lies and deception permeate the air we breathe but Yahveh is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Look Unto The Author And Finisher Of Our Faith

Look Unto The Author And Finisher Of Our Faith

It is our Father’s desire, when He poured out Yahshua’s blood, that He would have those who would ascend His holy mountain. Through this atoning, powerful blood the enemy will flee in a thousand directions.

Not By Might Nor By Power

Not By Might Nor By Power

You are a new creation in Yahshua, the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Indeed, you are called as the Almighty’s ambassadors to do mighty signs and wonders and to set many captives free.

Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh And Blood

Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh And Blood

We are in a spiritual battle and all of His redeemed children must report for active duty to follow our Commander-in-Chief Yahshua against Satan and his demonic legions who are advancing the kingdom of darkness on earth.

Work For What Endures And Not For What Perishes

Work For What Endures And Not For What Perishes

We need to take a spiritual check of our appetites. Are you hungering and thirsting after righteousness? Yahshua (Jesus) says, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me.” Doing the will of Yahveh is to be our food.

Don't Insult The Spirit Of Grace

Don't Insult The Spirit Of Grace

Those who take lightly Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) grace and costly salvation by willfully continuing to sin are unknowingly trampling the holy blood and are re-crucifying Yahshua subjecting Him to public disgrace and humiliation.

Through Hardships And Trials We Enter Heaven

Through Hardships And Trials We Enter Heaven

Friends, we all experience diverse testings and trials. You may be experiencing extreme stress, fear, and hopelessness. However, never fear, for “He knows the way I take; and when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

Keep Watch For No One Knows The Day Or Hour

Keep Watch For No One Knows The Day Or Hour

How many of us have had a nightmare about missing a flight? Whether you are ready or not, the plane is going to take off. Destruction is coming, whether we’re ready for it or not. Yahshua is coming for His redeemed elect.

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

The last days are upon us and the exhortation to overcome and endure to the end is spoken over and over again in the book of Revelation. We must go into a fitness program, preparing ourselves to leave behind self-indulgences.

Inquire, Listen, And Obey

Inquire, Listen, And  Obey

To know the reality of the Almighty’s presence, that’s our inheritance. But, He will not dwell in the midst of idols, nor will we find Him in the midst of unholy mixtures of the common and the holy. Go inquire, listen, and obey!

If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments

If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments

We must offer everything—body, soul, spirit, and mind—upon the Almighty’s holy altar, as an acceptable sacrifice made holy through a repentant heart covered in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). This holy sacrifice is His due.

For Our God is A Consuming Fire

For Our God is A Consuming Fire

Our God is a holy God and a consuming fire. Unfortunately, many have diluted this glory into something that is more palatable to the masses. Never forget that our God wants a holy priesthood that’s pure in heart and mind.

Do Nothing Out Of Selfish Ambition Or Vain Conceit

Do Nothing Out Of Selfish Ambition Or Vain Conceit

All of us struggle with wanting a certain measure of recognition. Don’t desire for people to lift you up because as His creation all glory goes to our Creator. Indeed, not to us but to Your name be glory forevermore (Psalm 115:1).

Ask Where The Good Way Is And Walk In It

Ask Where The Good Way Is And Walk In It

Time is short. Yahshua is coming for those who are waiting for Him. Look forward to being in the waiting room with other believers. Ask for the good way and walk in it, loving Him, waiting for Him, and praising Him.

The Plumb Line Of Holiness

The Plumb Line Of Holiness

The Almighty’s requirements are a straight and narrow path. They are not impossible, because with Yahveh nothing is impossible. It is a matter of the heart whereby the righteous follow His holy measuring standards.