Don’t Waiver Between two Opinions
Do you want to know what Yahveh (the Lord) commands, or do you waiver between two opinions? You have “professing believers” over here, you have the world over there, and then you have Yahveh right in the middle saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” Don’t look to the right or the left, look to “the author and finisher of your faith” (see Hebrews 12:2).
Pagan Roots Deceptively Mixed with Biblical Truth
We are at the end of the age and what Satan has deceptively sown in the harvest of pure biblical truth is being magnified to those who have spiritual discernment, accompanied with a “hunger and thirst for righteousness”.
According to His word, those who do not obey and trample underfoot the spirit of grace, which is Yahshua (Jesus) Himself, by choosing the broad path, they have chosen destruction. So the Almighty is saying again, “Are you going to waiver between two opinions?” When He sent Elijah (EliYAH) to Israel, Israel had made a form of religion, a little of what the pagans do and a little of what Yahveh said to do; it wasn’t pure. That’s what much of the religious system of today has become. It is a concoction of righteous precepts mixed with pagan-tainted man made doctrines that causes our Savior to say that we worship Him in vain (see Mark 7:7). It is completely in vain because they have embraced doctrines and traditions made by man not our God and Creator. So are you going to waiver between two opinions? Or are you going to choose Yahveh’s ways? He is going to be making things more and more clear so that we are hemmed and hedged in on every side, so we will not veer to the right or to the left; and when that door closes, we will find ourselves in the ark of safety, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself. There is much more that Yahveh (the Lord) has to give us, and there is much more the world has to give us. Choose whose words you are going to listen to.
There are many, many people on this earth, and there are many, many opinions, but there is only one living Creator of heaven and earth, and He has not changed. Yahveh in essence is saying, “Don’t you dare touch My word and change it, or I will judge you and prove you a liar, because My words are tested (flawless). The righteous will live by faith and by that same faith they will trust Me, obey and glorify Me by their obedience” (See Proverbs 30:5-6 and Hebrews 10:38).
When you obey His word and glorify Him, others will be drawn to Him when they see the wisdom, understanding, and the nearness of His abiding presence in your life. His presence only abides with those who, in wholehearted love and devotion, are in agreement with His Word.