
Light Dawns For The Upright

Light Dawns for the Upright

Psalm 112:4

Father in heaven, thank You for the promised refiner’s fire that is coming upon the whole face of the earth that will purify it. You told Malachi, before the great and dreadful day of Yahveh (the LORD), that You are going to send the launder’s soap and the refiner’s fire so that You would have a remnant who would bring You offerings in righteousness as in days of old,” (see Malachi 3:3) and You told us to “Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. Behold, I am going to send you Elijah [EliYAH] the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of Yahveh” to turn the people back to the pure worship of Yahveh. (Malachi 4:4-5)

Thank You, that by the grace and power of Your Holy Spirit You are lifting us up. The gravitational pull of this dying, doomed world is being CUT from us, and it will not weigh us down anymore. We will not be dissipated, we will not be discouraged, we will not despair—we will rejoice because we are being moved upward, vertically, while this is earth is being shut down, ready to collapse and dissolve under the weight of Your judgment. HalleluYAH for this anointing that will give us the words to speak to those who are ready to listen.

You spoke this to Isaiah regarding the last days, “Those who are wayward in spirit will gain understanding; those who complain will accept instruction,” (Isaiah 29:24) and that the ears that were shut will now be opened and the eyes that did not see will now see. You are bringing this about, for in this gross darkness Your light is rising and shining upon Your people. (see Isaiah 60:1) And with that great light shining upon us, and in and through us, it will bring light to those around us. Thank you, Father in heaven that they will be able to see and hear what Your Spirit is saying at last.

“Light dawns for the upright.” (Psalm 112:4) Thank You that we are walking in more light now than we have ever had before. Our paths are so well lit because You are the light of the world whose light encapsulates us. Guard our footsteps that we not veer or stumble. The angels of Yahveh (the LORD) encamp about the righteous (see Psalm 34:7). We need wisdom for these days. This may very well be the last generation, and no one has ever lived in the last generation. Our focus is on You, the Giver of wisdom, the Giver of this good and perfect gift; we beseech You to give wisdom to us and our children in the name of Yahshua (Jesus) Messiah.