
Create In Me A Clean Heart

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Create in me a Clean Heart

A Cry for Mercy and Deliverance from our Sin Nature


Yahveh (the Lord) will be glorified by a holy remnant who honor Him in word and deed. Their greatest desire is that He would be pleased and that He would be seen, heard, and magnified through them—through you and me. “For the eyes of Yahveh move to and fro throughout the earth that He might strongly support those whose heart is completely His …” (2 Chronicles 16:9).


I ask You to “Create in me a clean heart, O Yahveh, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”. Only You can do this, have mercy upon me, through the power of Your blood that washes me of all my sins that beset my flesh and are common to many. Please cleanse and purify me of all my cravings, pantings, and obsessive desires (lusts of the eyes and the flesh). Every desire of my appetites, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or my own vainglory and selfish ambition. Forgive my self-justification to arrive at these fleshy destinations. Search me Yahveh, I humbly pray.

Do have mercy on me, and take my desires, so that You become my heart’s desire. May I be like King David, a person after Your own heart who desires Your good pleasure. Help me to travail over my sinful nature with deep repentance and true humility. Cleanse me of stubbornness against Your Word and all the contentions, idolatries, jealousies, and envies that beset me, because I am discontented and want something else. I am not satisfied with You; forgive me, my God and Savior. You have not been enough for me, and I crave with an appetite of the flesh that wars against the appetite that You have given to my spirit. May I become one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness that I would be blessed and filled with more and more of Your Holy Spirit.. Please give me that hunger and thirst, I humbly pray, for it is a merciful gift.

Yahshua (Jesus), You came not for the healthy—You came for the sick. I am not as spiritually healthy as You desire. I do not eat what is beneficial but I now desire to eat what You, in wisdom and love have prepared and desired to serve me. I “delight myself in You; and You promise to give me the desires of my heart” (see Psalm 37:4).

You are preparing all Your people, a people befitting Your Presence now and eternally. HalleluYAH, may I not fall short through disobedience and die in the wilderness journey. May I go to the other side, into the Promised Land through an obedient, trusting, and faith-filled heart that is wholeheartedly set on You, my exceedingly great reward!

An Accompanying Video from our Television Ministry

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