
Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us to Pray

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This is the prayer of the Lord Yahshua (Jesus)

Given to His disciples then and now (Matthew 6:9-13).

It is a template (a framework) in which we pray

and fill in personally That which the Holy Spirit gives.

May this prayer, based on His outline,

Filled in with words from the Spirit, bless you as you pray.


Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed, exalted, honored, praised, proclaimed, glorified, and worshipped be Your holy name above all names. May Your kingdom be manifested and advanced through me that others will be drawn to You as they see Your Holy Spirit living in and through my life. Please help me to focus on Your eternal kingdom and not this temporary world and its momentary enticements. Yahshua (Jesus) I pray for Your kingdom, which is joy, peace, and righteousness” to be exalted and magnified in and through my redeemed life. The joy of You is my strength and my peace comes from being holy in Your sight and united as one in the Holy Spirit.

 Thank You for giving me my daily bread - Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from Your mouth. Increase in me a hunger and thirst for Your Word that I be filled and blessed to overflowing, knowing and doing Your perfect will. Yahshua (Jesus) you are the living bread that came down out of heaven, that sustains and fortifies my Spirit to be more than a conqueror in the good fight of faith. Thank you for Your holy Scriptures! You are the Living Word, You are the “manna from heaven”, my Savior, who is my bread of life, sent to nourish and help me grow strong in the Spirit rather than my flesh. May I decrease becoming weaker in my self-nature so that Your life Yahshua (Jesus) is manifested in the might and power of Your Holy Spirit through my surrendered life.

Forgive me for the selfish inclinations and sin nature that continually pull me away from Your holy presence and perfect will. I welcome the power of Your Spirit to convict me of my sins, helping me to quickly repent, turning to wholehearted obedience to Your Word and will. My God, You are holy, I want to be righteous and pleasing in Your sight. Please forgive me for my lack of faith and for not building up enough faith that will keep me from fearing in the midst of the terror and pandemics that are being loosed on this earth. Your perfect love casts out all fear.  Help me Father to know Your love by responding to Your love with a repentant heart that is forgiven much and will know how much You love me, because repentance draws me closer to You, my Holy God. Thank You Yahshua (Jesus), for convicting and forgiving me of my confessed sins and mercifully covering and cleansing me with Your sacrificial blood. I am so unworthy of Your infinite love and mercy, yet Your love never fails to forgive and cleanse me of my unrighteousness and clothe me in Your righteousness. Please help me to forgive others who have wronged and deeply hurt me. Thank You for the grace to forgive me of my many sins and the grace to wholeheartedly forgive others who have hurt and harmed me.

Heavenly Father do not let me be led into any form of temptation deliver me from all evil. Help me to recognize and be aware of Satan’s schemes and traps, so that I do not fall prey to any of his enticing strategies. Please open my spiritual eyes and understanding, so I am able to discern Your Spirit from my flesh, which is so weak and easily tempted and deceived. I have got to have Your help in seeking and obeying the truth. You are so faithful to keep me from the enemy of my soul. Help me stand firm in the midst of a shaking world that is under judgment. Please deliver me from the fear and terror that is part of the looming plagues and pandemic of disasters that are raging on earth. May I stand firm in saving faith. You, who began a good work in me, will complete it as I stay close to You in the Spirit. As I work out my salvation, may I build up my faith while there is time left, so that I will be found enduring and faithful to the end and unashamed when I stand in Your presence.

I wholeheartedly acknowledge that You are the One True Living God, Savior, and eternal King! There is none other besides You and Your kingdom is everlasting. I thank you for Your amazing grace that compels my heart, mind, and affections to be fixed on You and Your heavenly kingdom. Please help me to live for the here after where my citizenship is written in the book of life in the sacrificial blood of Yahshua (Jesus). I am so weak and easily deceived, only You can raise me up high above my flesh, the world, and Satan. I want to walk in a manner worthy of the high price You paid to redeem me for Your Kingdom. I pray for the power of Your Spirit to sovereignly control my life, which I yield and surrender to You in humble fear and loving obedience. My holy God, please forgive me for the times I have touched or even robbed You of the glory that is due only to You. May the inclinations of my heart, the words of my mouth, and the deeds of my life, bring praise, honor, and glory that are continually due to You alone. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. Amen.

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