
A Prayer To Be "More Than A Conqueror"

A Prayer to be "More than a Conqueror"

Romans 8:37

Father in heaven, I have been ensnared by the enemy in many and various things in this life. I am to live as a stranger in this world who is just passing through on “the way” to Your heavenly kingdom. In the name, power, and authority of Yahshua (Jesus), I pray to be released and delivered from the strongholds in my mind, life, and everything that rises up against the knowledge of You and Your immutable word. I pray that I will aggressively start to take those things captive to the obedience of Yahshua (Jesus) so that I will not veer to the right or left of Your plumb line of truth. I pray that I will begin to diligently read and obey Your word that will shine as a bright light helping me stay safe and secure on the “narrow path” that leads to eternal life.

Yahveh (Lord), You are calling me to come out of this world. I know the hour is late and understand that those things which were once acceptable have now become worthless distractions, preoccupations, and a major detriment to me in my holy walk with You. Your Spirit is calling me to draw intimately closer to You and change my priorities to be focused heavenward. Help me to wholeheartedly seek Your will, repent, and renounce everything that is not beneficial. I want everything to be done by Your Holy Spirit, in and through me, for Your praise, honor, and glory.

Yahshua (Jesus), I thank You that You are coming and I will one day stand in Your glorious Holy Presence. You are warning and pleading with me to get all sin repented for and under Your merciful cleansing blood. Please help me to recognize and be repulsed by everything that is prideful, stubborn, rebellious, self-justifying, and grievous in Your sight. Please hear my prayer and free me from everything that ensnares and deceives me. Give me spiritual ears to hear, eyes to see, and a willing loving obedient spirit. Thank You, Father. Help me to passionately respond to Your voice and follow You into Your kingdom, leaving everything of this temporal world behind. May I follow Apostle Paul’s example, saying “whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Messiah (Christ). More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Messiah Yahshua (Christ Jesus) my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Messiah…” (Philippians 3:8-9).

Please bless me with more of YOU, more of Your word sinking deeply into the soil of my heart to bring forth a harvest of righteousness for Your namesake and glory. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and the angelic host that helps me and all Your children. Your word says the angels are messengers that wait upon and serve all that await salvation (Hebrews 1:14). I need all the help that You have provided and I am asking for it. I want to run and finish this race, enduring to the end by overcoming my flesh, Satan, and the world by the power of Your Spirit. Please help me to be MORE, MORE, MORE than a conqueror through Yahshua my Redeemer who lives in me and strengthens me! (Romans 8:37)

Yahveh (Lord), I am sorry. May a spirit of conviction and sorrowful repentance fall upon me. Father, I don’t think I am standing firm, because I am humbled. You are humbling me that You might lift me up in due time. In Your mercy, You are preparing me to be ready, waiting, and wise to stand unashamed in Your almighty righteous presence. I praise and thank You, Heavenly Father, for the power of Your Son’s blood that washes over me, cleansing me of the stench and just penalty of my sins that separate me from You my holy God and Savior. May Your Spirit of Truth continue to lead me to more repentance at Your mercy seat. May Yahshua’s divine blood pour over me, cleansing, consecrating, and adorning me in fine, white, righteous spiritual garments. How I thank You, Yahshua, (Jesus) for the merciful sacrificial provision of Your atoning blood that causes me to be seen as holy and acceptable in Your sight. Please help me to uphold Your precious blood by making every effort to keep my spirit and life free from the stain of fleshly desires, Satan, and friendship with this passing world and all of its allurements and deadly deceptions.

Yahshua (Jesus) the sound of Your voice is like a trumpet getting my attention calling me to come up higher. Help me to not backslide and fall away. You do not want me to be unprepared and caught off guard when You “come like a thief!” (Revelation 16:15). No, You are not going to be a thief to me. I am not going to be caught off guard. With Your help, I am going to be ready and joyfully waiting in expectation for You, the One I love and hope for. Yahshua (Jesus), I thank You that You will finish the work You have begun in me until the day of Your return. HalleluYAH!