
The Flesh Sin Nature - An Ever Present Enemy

The Flesh Sin Nature - An Ever Present Enemy

Our flesh nature craves, lusts, and longs for what is tangible and of this visible world. It is an ever present enemy to the Holy Spirit. We must quickly recognize and repent for the harmful sins that will grieve and anger the Spirit.

Global Pandemic Of Fear

Global Pandemic Of Fear

Fear is the arch-enemy of our faith and “faith is the victory that overcomes the world” and its many unexpected terrorizing circumstances. Our Savior says, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.”

It Is The Spirit Who Gives Life; The Flesh Profits Nothing

It Is The Spirit Who Gives Life; The Flesh Profits Nothing

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:63) Are you going to let Yahshua (Jesus), through you, bring forth His words that are spirit and life?

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

Overcome And Leave Behind Self-Indulgences

The last days are upon us and the exhortation to overcome and endure to the end is spoken over and over again in the book of Revelation. We must go into a fitness program, preparing ourselves to leave behind self-indulgences.