
I Surrender All To Do Your Will

I Surrender All To do Your Will

I love You, adore You, and magnify You; I bow my heart before You. I give my all to You, beloved of my life, my soon-coming Bridegroom who prepares me, Your bride, to be adorned with the righteousness that befits You, the King of Glory. Remove everything common in the name of Yahshua (Jesus)—I need a cleansing before I can even have circumcised ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying. Holy One, search my heart, in Your name and power Yahshua (Jesus), for it is Your desire to set me apart. I pray, cleanse me of everything that hinders my hearing, that hinders my intimacy in Your Presence. I want to know and love You with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength. I want to do Your will—not the will of men, or my own will, or the will of religion or denominationalism. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, through my consecrated life that seeks nothing for myself but lives wholly for You. To You, Yahveh (Lord), be the glory!

HalleluYAH for the blood that has given me entrance into the Holy of Holies, to stand in Your Presence, the King of kings who is a consuming fire. I can stand before You without my sins condemning me. By Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) blood I can be purified. O how Your Presence fills me up to overflowing, that the reality of You is beyond my intellect and becomes a passion and drive within me. I ask for that passion, which will motivate me, consume me, and drive me forward on the narrowing path of righteousness, to come into my heart. Passion beyond what I’ve ever known, that will shatter the stumbling block of religion. You want a relationship with me, Your bride, to be a relationship in which I am so enthralled and impassioned with You that nothing stands in the way. There will be no adulterous looks in my heart and in my eyes; the adulterous looks will be gone. That the idolatry, and the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life, will be ripped away and righteous garments, befitting You, the King of Glory, will be given to me, adorning me, making me fit to enter into Your glorious, eternal Presence. Not by my own might can this be done, but by Your Spirit. I have no power; I only boast in my weaknesses. I am weak, but You are strong. I am weak; but with the humility to acknowledge my weakness, Yahveh (Lord) Your power is perfected.