In the Beginning:
Adam and Eve
Genesis 1:26-2:17
“If we look carefully at Satan’s strategy in the Garden of Eden, we will gain wisdom and discernment to easily recognize his wicked agenda working in and through humanity, including Christianity”
Our adversary Satan has the utmost stealthy and wicked mode of operation by which to entice man’s free will to disobey Yahveh’s will. Yahshua (Jesus) alerts us that the “deceiver and tempter”, is like a thief who comes “only to rob, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10). If we look carefully at his strategy in the Garden of Eden, we will gain wisdom and discernment to easily recognize his wicked agenda working in and through humanity, including Christianity. Remember, Apostle Paul cautions us to be on guard “so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not [to be] ignorant of his schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:11).
With that in mind, the following scriptural exposé is put as simply and clearly as possible. Yahshua (Jesus) stated that we must be “as wise as a serpent,” in order to know how “the ancient serpent” deviously thinks and slyly operates to capture and destroy his deceived victims (Matthew 10:16). We must be AWARE in order to BEWARE of his devious deception and deadly agenda, especially against the children of the Almighty God and Savior.
It’s important to read the following foundational Scriptures from Genesis 1:26-2:17. The italics are given to emphasize certain points that will be magnified in the forthcoming teachings.
“Adam and Eve were to fill the earth with holy offspring who would perpetuate humanity in the “likeness” of the Almighty Creator”
Then God said, “Let Us [the Father, Son, Holy Spirit] make man in Our image, according to our [holy] likeness; and let them rule … over all the earth … in the image of God He created male and female … God blessed them and God said to them “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:26-28). The Father’s will in creating Adam and Eve was that He would have an eternal personal relationship with His beloved children and give them continual wisdom to righteously rule over His wondrous earth and creation. Adam and Eve were to fill the earth with holy offspring who would perpetuate humanity in the “likeness” of the Almighty Creator, so that the whole earth would be “filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahveh [the Lord], as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).
“Yahveh God planted a garden toward the east; and there He planted the man whom He had formed [for His holy purpose]. Out of the ground Yahveh God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food … God commanded the man saying, “From any tree in the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat from it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:8-9, 16-17).1 The Heavenly Father is giving His children one commandment to keep them safe and established under His protective loving canopy of His perfect will.
Adam and Eve were surrounded with unceasing blessings in their Creator’s holy presence in the Garden of Eden where they were divinely placed (Genesis 2:8). They lacked nothing in the paradise like environment. Everything was supplied by their Father’s loving kindness, grace, and mercy. Adam and Eve were surrounded with so many beautiful trees to visually enjoy and to freely eat of their delicious fruit. As a loving heavenly Father, the Creator delighted to bless His children with such wonderful provision. Adam and Eve had great “godliness with contentment” (1Timothy 6:6).
“The Almighty gave the commandment as a boundary line for His children’s free will to know the limitations of blessings and protection, defined by His rule”
As previously mentioned, the Creator gave one commandment to Adam. He said, “from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die” (Genesis 2:17). The Almighty gave the commandment as a boundary line for His children’s free will to know the limitations of blessings and protection, defined by His rule. His commandment was given to help prevent anything or anyone from separating them from His holy presence and righteous kingdom. Yahveh, the great “I AM” is the all powerful, all wise, and infinite loving Heavenly Father and eternal God. He gives “good and perfect gifts” to His children and the greatest gift of all is His only begotten Son, who hung on the tree, the crucifixion stake, “bearing our sins” and its wages in His righteous body (James 1:17, 1 Peter 2:24). Yahshua (Jesus) sent His Holy Spirit as “the Helper” to dwell within His “born again” redeemed (John 14:26, John 3:3). This glorious deposit of His Spirit gives us the power and the grace to fight and destroy the sinful deeds of our flesh and walk in loving obedience to His commandments. Our God and Savior is worthy of all “blessings and honor, and glory and dominion forever and ever” … Amen (Revelation 5:13-14).
1 “… the tree of the knowledge of good and evil implies that evil had already occurred. If not in the garden, then at the time of Satan’s fall.” Life Application Study Bible, New American Standard Bible – Updated Edition (Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Corporation, 2000), footnote to Genesis 2:9.