
A Prayer To Be Set Free To Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

A Prayer To Be Set Free to Follow Only Yahshua (Jesus)

Father in heaven, I have been ensnared by the Enemy in many and various things in this life that is not my home. I know I am to be just a pilgrim here on my way to the Promised Land, and I must count the cost and remain on the narrow path that leads to eternal life. In the name, power, and authority of Yahshua (Jesus), I pray that You begin to release the strongholds in my mind and everything that rises up against the knowledge of You and Your immutable Word. I pray for Your help that I will start to take those things captive to the obedience of Yahshua (Jesus) so that I will not be veering to the right or to the left of Your plumb line of truth. I pray that I will begin to search Your Word to find out what pleases You and the boundary stones of that narrow path, Your Highway of Holiness.

Yahveh, You are calling me to come out of this world. You are calling me out of everything that is not in the Spirit. Father, the time is late. Give me ears to hear what Your Spirit is saying and open the eyes of my understanding to understand Your word and the urgency of these last days I am living in. I want all of my ways and deeds to be beneficial and done for Your glory, as I eagerly and longingly stay awake waiting to see You face to face.

You are warning and pleading with me, as Your bride, to get my wick trimmed and my lamp filled with oil as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling—repenting for all the sins that You convict me of and then You will cover me mercifully with Your atoning blood. Thank you for helping to consecrate and purify me from all that deludes, is prideful, stubborn and rebellious, self indulgent, self justifying, and makes me a friend of this world, thus making me an enemy to You. Let me respond to Your voice, leaving everything behind to follow and keep step with You as You lead me safely to Your Kingdom.

I have been warned against dissipating influences and to be on my guard, please help me to distinguish what is pleasing in Your sight and what is a squandering of my life and my time. Please help me to discern what is of eternal value and pleasing in Your sight and led by Your Spirit as I learn to extract the precious from the worthlessness of the vanities of a world soon to be judged. I rejoice that it will be reclaimed by You, my King, and remade into a home of righteousness for Your Bride who will rule and reign with You forever!

I want to pray not only for myself but for all of Your called out redeemed elect. May blessings be upon Your people. Bless us with more of You, more of Your Word sinking deeply as seeds into the soil of our hearts to bring forth a harvest of righteousness for Your namesake and glory. Thank You for Your angelic host that helps Your children, I rejoice that Your word says that Your angels are “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” (Hebrews 1:14) I know we, Your redeemed children, Your body, will need all the help that You have provided and so I am praying to You for it. I am beseeching You to, “Please send us more grace, power, and spiritual strength to help us to run and finish this race, enduring and overcoming by the power of the Spirit to the end. May we truly become as Apostle Paul said, “more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) More than conquerors through our beloved Yahshua (Jesus), our Messiah and Redeemer, who lives in us and causes us to triumph over our flesh, the world and the ancient serpent, the enemy of our souls.