Satan’s Wicked Modes of Operation
“The Devil is the source and force of all evil, for all people, throughout all recorded and unrecorded history”
Satan is the lurking, ancient arch-enemy of Almighty God, His children, and His glorious creation. The Devil is the source and force of all evil, for all people, throughout all recorded and unrecorded history. He and the fallen angels are demonic beings who had dramatically lost the battle for rulership in Heaven and were cast down to Earth. He is a vengeful angry loser, and has a well planned counter attack and wicked agenda. This raging father of all “demonic control” and “power mongers” craved and relentlessly strategized for rulership over the entire earth. There was one major obstacle; this planet was divinely decreed to Adam and Eve, the holy children and appointed rulers of Father God’s earth and beautiful creation. Satan’s diabolical quest was to gain dominion over the earth and he knew if he could cause Adam and Eve to sin they would loose their inherited rulership over the earth and become his captives; granting him victory to become “ruler of the world” (John 12:31).
One day, the “ancient serpent” slyly entered the Garden of Eden; disguised and undetected. Satan’s grotesque evil nature was hidden from view as he used the “crafty serpent” as his instrument of stealthy deception (Genesis 3:1). The Devil always uses cunning disguises in order to deceive unsuspecting humanity. Satan slithered in and began speaking directly to Eve, engaging her mind and thoughts to converse with him. Satan is referred to as “an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). His countenance is very bright and seductive, grabbing ones attention because it is enchanting and appears as something good. But in reality he is a “masquerading” ruling demon of the hierarchy of demonic legions of deception, darkness, destruction, and death. Apostle Paul magnifies this very real spiritual battle between Satan “the prince of the power of the air,” and Yahveh God Almighty and His redeemed righteous children, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against [the demonic realm] the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 2:2, 6:12).
Eve was spellbound, she was caught up in the intrigue and seduction of the Serpent’s words, unaware that he was toying with her “free will” to manipulate it to do his wicked will. The enticing light that emanated from Satan’s presence magnetized her to engage and dialogue with him. Eve should have not have gone so close to that which was forbidden to begin with. She moved into harm’s way, as she moved into an area that was off limits. She should have immediately responded to the serpent, “I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me, you are not doing the will of my Father!” Her demonically stimulated desire and covetous craving for the forbidden fruit overtook her. If only she had not engaged with him, and wisely fled the powerful tempter, deceiver, and destroyer of her soul. Adam was with her; they both should have instantly resisted and run to their loving Father for help and protection against the Enemy. That’s all history now! Let’s learn from their eternally devastating mistakes and not fall prey to Satan’s prideful rebellion working in and through humanity’s “free will” to rise up in defiance against the Almighty’s sovereign rulership, holy will, and commandments.
“The Enemy always entices our self-nature to presume rulership over our lives instead of allowing the Almighty to have His rightful sovereign dominion as our Creator, God, and Savior”
Before Satan’s appearance, Adam and Eve were joyfully content in their Creator’s garden, encircled in the love and light of His presence. The vengeful “fallen angel” sought to continue his war against Yahveh God by going after His children. The Ancient Serpent’s agenda was to tempt, and ensnare them, as captives to do his will, by craftily and insidiously manipulating their mindsets. This diabolical quest for the children of God and man is one of Satan’s main focuses. Satan, who was cast to earth, was influencing Eve and Adam to pridefully rise up and willfully dictate what they thought was best for them in defiance against their Father’s commandment. The Enemy always entices our self-nature to presume rulership over our lives instead of allowing the Almighty to have His rightful sovereign dominion as our Creator, Heavenly Father, and Savior.
It is proclaimed throughout the Scripture that, “dominion belongs to Yahveh (the Lord) and He rules …” (Psalm 22:28). “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever” (Revelation 5:13). Daniel saw, “One like a Son of Man … He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. “And to Him was given … an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away” (Daniel 7:13-14).
We must be aware that the true battle that began in heaven and will continue to the end of the age is the battle for dominion over the world and it’s inhabitants. It is Satan verses Yahveh God and Yahshua the Messiah and it will continue until Yahshua (Jesus) returns as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16). We, the redeemed who truly follow Him, must be aware that “fighting the good fight of faith” requires that we understand this battle; fighting with our God and Savior against the agenda of the Evil One and the prevalent pull of our unruly human self nature that must be brought under the dominion of the Holy Spirit (1 Timothy 6:12, Galatians 5:17).