
Seek Me For Courage

Seek Me For Courage

Stand firm in the spirit armed with faith and courage; fear not as you endure victoriously. Our loving God wants you to stay near to Him as He makes you the victor in these spiritual battles that are prophesied to increase.

Come Out of Her My People

Come Out of Her My People

Yahshua (Jesus) is sounding a trumpet, crying out to repent and depart from the love of the world, the lusts of the flesh, and from all empty forms of religion that compromise and do not uphold the Almighty’s holy Commandments.

The Heavenly Kingdom, Our Home Sweet Home

The Heavenly Kingdom, Our Home Sweet Home

We must “fight the good fight of faith” to ensure that nothing, not our flesh, sin, the world, or Satan will rob us of becoming the recipient of eternity with Yahshua (Jesus) in His glorious kingdom, our Home Sweet Home.

I Am Coming Soon!

I Am Coming Soon!

Evaluate in your heart what you have done of eternal value that will not be burned up when Yahshua returns. Have you faithfully given your life to suffer with Yahshua (Jesus) so that others can see Him through you?

Ancient Agents of Anti-Semitism

Ancient Agents of Anti-Semitism

The Bible and many history books are filled with accounts of the Adversary’s vicious attacks against the Jews. Many nations have yielded to anti-Semitism, becoming Satan’s primary earthly agents for the destruction of the Jews.

Fear the One Who Has Authority to Cast Into Hell

Fear the One Who Has Authority to Cast Into Hell

If you have the fear of man, then you are robbing Yahveh of the fear that is due to Him. Do not fear what people fear. Instead fear the Almighty which begins with acknowledging that there is one true living God.

Following Your Judgments

Following Your Judgments

We need to listen to the prophet’s words; they have been given to get us ready and sober. They are bright lights, like Peter said, shining on the backdrop of this dark world and they help to keep us on the narrow path.

Tick tock, tick tock, time is quickly fleeting away!

Tick tock, tick tock, time is quickly fleeting away!

Tick tock, tick tock, time is quickly fleeting away! Our righteous Savior is urging His redeemed remnant saying, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” in an accelerated unwavering manner.

Be Ready & Keep Oil in Your Lamps

Be Ready & Keep Oil in Your Lamps

Wake up, be wise, and redeem the time for our Bridegroom Yahshua (Jesus) who is coming. There are keys about wisdom and keeping watch in the parable of the ten virgins that will also help prepare us for His return.

The Godly Are Rescued From Temptation

The Godly Are Rescued From Temptation

We are to look up for our redemption is drawing near. As we look to Him and focus on the love and faithfulness of Yahveh our Provider, He will grant us every provision we need to endure victoriously to the end.

Run from Idols

Run from Idols

Idolatry is rebellion against Yahveh’s (the Lord’s) Commandments and no idolatrous person will enter heaven. For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. As the Almighty said, “You shall have no other gods before Me.”

The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few

The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few

The Almighty says to follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. Meaning He will teach us how to be fishers of all people. We will know the bait to use to draw many people into the truth and salvation of Yahshua (Jesus).

Seek YAHveh All You Humble of the Earth

Seek YAHveh All You Humble of the Earth

If we ask, YAHshua will give us the grace to go through the refiner’s fire by which many will be made ready and humble for the kingdom. Whoever overcomes the world will enter the kingdom through the blood of the Lamb!

I am Going to Shake the Heavens & the Earth

I am Going to Shake the Heavens & the Earth

Without faith it will be impossible to stand in this great shaking and many will fall and never to rise again because their faith was lip service and flimsy to the core. We must run to Yahshua, standing on the unshakable Rock.

The Light of Truth Overcomes the Darkness of Deception

The Light of Truth Overcomes the Darkness of Deception

Our free will, friend or foe!? If it is not under the powerful control of the Holy Spirit we are easy prey to Satan who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Our Savior came to set us free and keep us free by the power of His Holy Spirit.