I Will Bless Those Who Bless My People
“Sadly, most professing believers believe Satan’s lies and harbor his anti Semitic venom, endorsing and perpetuating “replacement theology”, which teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plans, prophecies, and blessings” ”
The biblical knowledge of the God of Israel’s plan for the Jews and Gentiles to become a “born again”, supernatural creation, called “one new man”, has been ignored and overlooked by most preachers, teachers, and believers (Ephesians 2:14-18). Sadly, most professing believers are unaware of this reality and are very vulnerable to believe Satan’s lies and harbor his anti Semitic venom, endorsing and perpetuating "replacement theology”, which teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God's plans, prophecies, and blessings. All those who truly love and obey the Jewish Messiah must guard their hearts from any anti-Semitic attitudes towards their Savior’s very own beloved brethren, for whom He came “first and foremost” (Matthew 15:24). Apostle Paul emphasized this to his Gentile brethren in the faith by highlighting the reality that the Jewish people are the God of Israel’s chosen race. He proclaimed, “I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Messiah for the sake of my countrymen, my kinsmen according to the flesh, “to whom belongs the adoption as sons and daughters, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the Law, the temple service, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Messiah according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen” (Romans 9:4-5).
We are in the most critical time on the face of the earth and “approaching the time such as never was and will never be again” (see Matthew 24:21). This is called “the tribulation” and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Even now, anti-Semitic propaganda is increasing daily, stirring up global hatred for Israel and the Jewish people. Grievously, there are many Gentile believers who embrace and perpetuate Satan’s hatred toward the Jewish people. This will reach a crescendo of fury in these last days causing “all the Gentile nations of the earth to turn against Israel, both His “chosen people” and His holy land. Yahveh spoke through the prophet Zechariah, “It will come about on that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it [move it out of Israel’s possession] will injure themselves severely. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:3).
With this progressive reality in mind, the Spirit of truth is reminding us of the sovereign covenant that the God of Israel made with Abraham. Yahveh God said, … “I WILL BLESS THOSE WHO BLESS YOU, AND THE ONE WHO CURSES YOU I WILL CURSE. AND IN YOU ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH WILL BE BLESSED” (Genesis 12:3). The One True God, our Heavenly Father, is the Holy One of Israel who sovereignly decreed His covenant of promised blessings and curses on the Gentiles regarding their attitudes and treatment of Abraham, his descendants Isaac and Jacob, and all of their descendants, the Jewish race. This sovereign covenant, contrary to much erroneous Christian theology, did not end with the coming of the Jewish Messiah. This everlasting covenant will continue to the end of the age, blessings on those who bless the Jews, curses on those who curse the Jews, regardless of your profession of faith in the Living God and Savior. Through Yahshua (Jesus), we are given an even greater responsibility because we have the Jewish Messiah living in our heart. Those who are truly born-again, and filled with the holy Spirit will naturally be led to love the God of Israel, respect His sovereign covenant, and prayerfully look for loving ways to bless the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. They will not fall prey to this deluge of ancient anti-Semitism because they love their Jewish Messiah who “is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He has not and never will reject His beloved chosen Jewish people in His plan of salvation.
We are at a transition at the end of the age of the Gentiles, that has moved toward “the set time to favor Zion”-Israel (Psalm 102:13). Let us be joined as one walking in agreement with the Word and will of God in every way, including His love, plan, and purpose for His beloved Jewish people. “Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10), he will harm Yahveh’s Jewish people and Yahveh’s redeemed Gentiles in one fell blow. Gentile believers who are anti-Semitic and embrace replacement theology are equally harming themselves with the curses of the Abrahamic covenant as they harm the Jewish people by not blessing them. We who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, must uphold, love, and worship Yahshua (Jesus), the King of the Jews, and Lion of the Tribe of Judah, “in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). We must bless the Jewish people by letting them see the love of their Jewish Messiah living in and through our redeemed obedient lives. We are to pray for “the peace of Jerusalem”, which only the “prince of peace” Yahshua (Jesus) will bring when He comes as the all conquering “King of Kings” (Psalm 122:6, Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 17:14).
“Thankfully, there is always a righteous remnant who search the Scriptures to learn the Word and will of the God of Israel and the Messiah. They remain on the holy root system, bearing holy fruit”
The Holy Spirit will not dwell in lives that embrace Satan’s theologies, lies, and pernicious poisons of anti-Semitism. The prevalent mentality of replacement theology, throughout much of Christian history to this day, is exactly what Apostle Paul warned against. Paul exclaimed to the Gentile believers, “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! [God forbid!]” (Romans 11:1) "For I do not want you, brothers and sisters, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in …” (Romans 11:25). It is becoming increasingly obvious to many that we are at the end of the age. Additionally we are at the end of the age of Gentile Christianity that has become exceedingly apostate, falling further and further away from the holy biblical root system. Thankfully, there is always a righteous remnant who search the Scriptures to learn the Word and will of the God of Israel and the Messiah.They remain on the holy root system, bearing holy fruit. They have maintained the cause of pure doctrinal truth and righteousness. Yahshua (Jesus) said there are only a few who find the narrow path but the many go through the broad path of accepting what has been handed down and what seems right (Matthew 7:13-14). It is written, “There is a way which seems right to people, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).
Hear the heart of the Almighty, “They have not listened to and honored My words,’ says Yahveh” (Jeremiah 29:19). “In the last days you will clearly understand it. I did not send these prophets [or preachers] … I did not speak to them, but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds …You will no longer remember the oracle of Yahveh [the Lord], because every man's own word will become the oracle, and you have perverted the words of the living God, Yahveh of hosts, our God”(Jeremiah 23:20-22, 36).
“All apostasy stems from departing from the holy root of biblical truth and being deceived and established in error on an unholy root system, unholy because it is a mixture of truth with falsehood””
Listen to Apostle Peter’s warning, “there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, …” (2 Peter2:1). He was warning them about being on guard lest you fall away, which is apostasy, moving from the holy root of the faith onto an unholy root of falsehood. All apostasy stems from departing from the holy root of biblical truth and being deceived and established in error on an unholy root system, unholy because it is a mixture of truth with falsehood. This has been Satan’s successful agenda and stealthy strategy causing increasing deception to replace biblical truth with many man made doctrines tainted with pagan rooted traditions. It is written, Yahshua (Jesus) said “If anyone does not remain in Me [in the Spirit of truth], he is thrown away like a branch and dries up; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:6). We must be firmly established in the uncompromised Word and will of God or we will be drawn farther and farther away, until we become as dry, withered, fruitless, branches.