Messiah is preparing us to stand firm unto the very end. He is teaching us to wait patiently on Him, enduring anything and everything. Do not shrink back from dying to your flesh for he who endures to the end will be saved.
It is our Father’s desire, when He poured out Yahshua’s blood, that He would have those who would ascend His holy mountain. Through this atoning, powerful blood the enemy will flee in a thousand directions.
You are a new creation in Yahshua, the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Indeed, you are called as the Almighty’s ambassadors to do mighty signs and wonders and to set many captives free.
The redeemed, will have gladness of heart as they joyfully ascend to the mountain of Yahveh. Firstly, we must repent, rest, and trust in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). Indeed, Yahveh delights in a repentant and contrite heart.
We are in a spiritual battle and all of His redeemed children must report for active duty to follow our Commander-in-Chief Yahshua against Satan and his demonic legions who are advancing the kingdom of darkness on earth.
Yahveh’s word is clear. It has been spoken over and over again through every one of His mouthpieces—few will escape the judgment to come. Remember, many will try but few will enter. The rubber is now meeting the road.
Yahveh is not far off but is as near as our breath. His kingdom is in us, and Yahveh wants us to learn to go to Him. You must get rid of everything that is not of Him, so the gravitational earthly pull of it is broken.
We need to take a spiritual check of our appetites. Are you hungering and thirsting after righteousness? Yahshua (Jesus) says, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me.” Doing the will of Yahveh is to be our food.
Each believer is given a divine stewardship of their lives as one is given a trust fund of finances. We must be wise in the expenditure of our life; making every effort to be found pure, spotless, blameless, and holy before our King.
Those who take lightly Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) grace and costly salvation by willfully continuing to sin are unknowingly trampling the holy blood and are re-crucifying Yahshua subjecting Him to public disgrace and humiliation.
Friends, we all experience diverse testings and trials. You may be experiencing extreme stress, fear, and hopelessness. However, never fear, for “He knows the way I take; and when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”
We are the Almighty’s chosen and He bestows upon His chosen the riches of His glory. Set your eyes and heart upon Him and in so doing, He will reveal more of Himself to you and will fill your heart with love, joy, and peace.
By Yahveh’s name we shall do valiantly - the righteous run to it and are safe! The Almighty is turning His people to obedience and righteousness. Only He can prepare us and He works mightily for those who have ears to hear.
If our eyes are not riveted upon our Savior they will be allured downward. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Yahshua (Jesus) is coming for those who are lovingly waiting for Him.
How many of us have had a nightmare about missing a flight? Whether you are ready or not, the plane is going to take off. Destruction is coming, whether we’re ready for it or not. Yahshua is coming for His redeemed elect.
We must count the cost to follow our Savior. Yahshua said, “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and even his own life, cannot be My disciple.”
The last days are upon us and the exhortation to overcome and endure to the end is spoken over and over again in the book of Revelation. We must go into a fitness program, preparing ourselves to leave behind self-indulgences.
To know the reality of the Almighty’s presence, that’s our inheritance. But, He will not dwell in the midst of idols, nor will we find Him in the midst of unholy mixtures of the common and the holy. Go inquire, listen, and obey!
We must love Yahveh with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength—then we will keep His commandments. Yahveh is drawing a remnant because of what is in their hearts. Ask for a heart that longs after the Almighty.
From a biblical perspective, circumcision originally represented the Almighty’s covenant seal with Abraham. Yahveh extended this sign to have broader significance and to be applied to the hearts of those who long to obey Him.