
Beware Of The Poison Of Anti-Semitism!

Beware of The Poison of Anti-Semitism!

This is an excerpt from Holy to Yahveh

Satan has succeeded in leading the whole world astray through deception, but more shockingly, he has deceived many professing Christians by leading them down a slippery, dark path.
— See Revelation 12:9

The Abrahamic covenant, the issue of Israel and the Jews and the holy Hebrew root, will soon become as a threshing instrument in Yahveh’s hands. He will use these precepts to separate the humble, redeemed “wheat” from the arrogant, deceived “tares” (see Isaiah 41:15-16 and Micah 4:13). Those who are ambassadors of the Father of Truth will be as the wheat. Those who are agents of the Father of Lies will be the tares. Satan has succeeded in leading the whole world astray through deception (see Revelation 12:9), but more shockingly, he has deceived many professing Christians by leading them down a slippery, dark path. “For both prophet and priest are polluted; Even in My house [including the church] I have found their wickedness,” declares Yahveh. “Therefore their way will be like slippery paths to them, They will be driven away into the gloom and fall down in it; For I shall bring calamity upon them, The year of their punishment,” declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:11-12).

Jews and Christians continue to sit in darkness, apart from the full truth, light, and love of Messiah. By and large, the church has not reflected the bright light of the Son, Yahshua (Jesus), but rather the dimness of man’s doctrines and traditions. Multitudes languish in sin and wither in bondage. They are waiting for the truth to set them free.

Today throughout the world, we see the ancient Serpent rearing his ugly head and spewing out his anti-Semitism because he knows that his time is short. We must take heed and learn a lesson from historic Christianity’s attitude toward the Jews. If many devout pillars of the faith fell prey to Satan’s ancient venom, how much more could we?

During this time of great tribulation, the Serpent’s obsessive hatred for Israel will reach its culmination. At this ominous juncture in history, all of the world’s nations will unite together in the common bond of Jew-hatred”

The time of “Jacob’s trouble” has come. (Jeremiah 30:7). Daniel prophesied that it will be “a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time” (Daniel 12:1). This war against Israel is going to engulf the whole world. During this time of great tribulation, the Serpent’s obsessive hatred for Israel will reach its culmination. At this ominous juncture in history, all of the world’s nations will unite together in the common bond of Jew-hatred. With this in mind and in view of the resurgence of anti-Semitism throughout the world, Yahveh’s righteous remnant must obey His expressed will. We must bring salvation in His biblical order: “to the Jews first” (Romans 1:16).

The Devil is planning his final attack on Messiah’s Jewish brethren. The Holy One of Israel commands us not to keep silent in regard to His chosen people and nation. He will sovereignly judge all who stand aloof and do not listen to His heart as expressed through His prophets. We are to give Him no rest as we cry out from merciful hearts, “‘O Yahveh, save Thy people, The remnant of Israel’” (and the remnant of Gentiles). (Jeremiah 31:7).

Scripture teaches that when we know the right thing to do and don’t do it, it is sin. Messiah said to His disciples, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of Yahveh and do it” (Luke 8:21).

Queen Hadassah (Esther) was divinely used to thwart the Serpent’s plot to destroy the Jews. The true body of Messiah, the holy remnant, should be as Queen Hadassah. If we “remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, …” (Esther 4:14). “For such a time as this …” (Esther 4:14), the obedient remnant, like Esther, must go in humility before her King on Israel’s behalf. Because of her irresistible beauty, which will radiate from a heart filled with love for her Jewish brethren, the eternal King will extend his “golden scepter” (Esther 5:2) and welcome her into His glorious presence.

The apostle Paul admonished Gentiles to follow his example of love for his Jewish people: Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to Yahveh for them [the Israelites] is for their salvation. (Romans 10:1) “How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard [a Hebrew Messiah with a Hebrew name]? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15)

“How lovely … Are the feet of him who brings good news … Who announces salvation [Yahshua], And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)

Anti-Semitism is the Spirit of Anti-Messiah (Antichrist)