Time is so short; we no longer have a reference point for tomorrow. Those things that were acceptable and permissible are now no longer so because only what is eternal is where all of our assets of life are to be focused.
Trust in Yahveh forever because in Him there is perfect peace. The righteous will not be shaken nor moved to despair but instead will be waiting for our King and glorifying His name because their minds are stayed on Him.
Yahshua (Jesus) is love. If we cannot display the love of Yahshua to others, regardless of how lovable or unlovable they are, then we are not really able to love the Father in whose image each human being has been created.
He will accomplish His perfect will and holy purpose for your life if you yield yourself to Him and say, “Not my will but Yours be done.” Let us pray that we will be able to keep watch and be sanctified for His soon coming return.
The only way to stay out of this world and its deception and darkness is to, “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
Not everyone who calls Yahshua (Jesus), “Lord, Lord,” and not everyone who goes to church doing religious things will enter the kingdom of heaven. Many are going to be assigned, like the foolish servant, a place with the hypocrites.
There is infinite hope that is full of eternal glory for those who fear Yahveh and speak one to another—Yahveh listens and hears, and He delights in it! Indeed, those who fear Yahveh and esteem His name will be His.
The only place you can trust that you are going to hear the truth is in the word of Yahveh. Lies and deception permeate the air we breathe but Yahveh is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
There is an urgency most believers are feeling. Time is short. We are able to recognize the signs of the times, and we want to make every minute count that we have left on this earth because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16)
Fear Yahveh (the LORD) and give Him glory through a righteous, holy, and consecrated life. This world is going to be sovereignly judged. To those who fear Yahveh, He says, “Tell the righteous it will be well with them.”
Fearing the Almighty is something that belongs to Him. Our prayer along with King David’s heart cry should be: “Yahveh is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? Yahveh is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?”
Our King wants those who seek after Him with all their heart, for “He is the rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).
Paul said to follow his example of beating back the flesh and counting everything so worthless that you throw it on the garbage heap, so that you can participate in that miraculous resurrection that is coming for the righteous.
Messiah is preparing us to stand firm unto the very end. He is teaching us to wait patiently on Him, enduring anything and everything. Do not shrink back from dying to your flesh for he who endures to the end will be saved.
It is our Father’s desire, when He poured out Yahshua’s blood, that He would have those who would ascend His holy mountain. Through this atoning, powerful blood the enemy will flee in a thousand directions.
You are a new creation in Yahshua, the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Indeed, you are called as the Almighty’s ambassadors to do mighty signs and wonders and to set many captives free.
The redeemed, will have gladness of heart as they joyfully ascend to the mountain of Yahveh. Firstly, we must repent, rest, and trust in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). Indeed, Yahveh delights in a repentant and contrite heart.
We are in a spiritual battle and all of His redeemed children must report for active duty to follow our Commander-in-Chief Yahshua against Satan and his demonic legions who are advancing the kingdom of darkness on earth.
Yahveh’s word is clear. It has been spoken over and over again through every one of His mouthpieces—few will escape the judgment to come. Remember, many will try but few will enter. The rubber is now meeting the road.
Yahveh is not far off but is as near as our breath. His kingdom is in us, and Yahveh wants us to learn to go to Him. You must get rid of everything that is not of Him, so the gravitational earthly pull of it is broken.