I Am Jealous for You
Apostle Paul wrote very boldly reminding the Gentiles of the grace that was given him from Yahveh, to be a minister of Messiah Yahshua (Christ Jesus) to the Gentiles. He ministered as a priest the gospel of God so that his offering of the Gentiles may become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh—the Spirit who separates). (see Romans 15:15-16) The Gentiles and redeemed Israel are to be an acceptable holy sacrifice to Yahveh, washed with repentant hearts in the precious blood of the Lamb.
“Yahveh is jealous. He is going to consume in jealous anger and wrath everything that took His beloved affection from Him””
Paul spoke to the Gentiles saying, “For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy…” (2 Corinthians 11:2) As it is written,“You shall not worship any other god, for Yahveh, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” (Exodus 34:14) He is jealous. He is going to consume in jealous anger and wrath everything that took His beloved affection from Him. Everyone who was an adulteress toward Him—they loved Him but had other lovers. If you look up “jealous” in a concordance, you will find every Scripture on the Almighty’s jealousy is fire-breathing. Apostle Paul understood the jealousy of Yahveh to have a holy people who loved and obeyed Him and did not give halfhearted lip service while they flirted around with the world. For “friendship with the world is hatred toward God.” (James 4:4)
Paul had Yahveh’s jealousy burning within him. His job from the Holy One was to present the Gentiles to Him as an acceptable offering. The Almighty’s heart of love wanted the Gentiles to come in with His believing, firstborn Israel and to partake of all His promised blessings: “…for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Messiah I might present you as a pure virgin” (2 Corinthians 11:2). Paul had a mission similar to Abraham’s head servant, who was to go and get a bride for Isaac (Genesis 24:2-4). Apostle Paul was to present to Yahveh’s Son a suitable, holy wife, just as Isaac deserved the best wife. Abraham’s faithful servant went with the Spirit’s leading and found Rebekah. Apostle Paul, led by obedience to the Almighty’s commission, was to present the Gentiles as that pure wife.
Through the acknowledgment of her sin nature, the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) makes His bride spotless. Her repentance would come from knowing Him, His holiness, Commandments and precepts, which Paul taught with godly jealousy. Repentance has lost its eternal power of it’s meaning because we have not been taught the full council of God, therefore we don’t repent for the fullness of our transgressions against righteousness. So we have an incredible amount of outstanding sin that is uncovered and needs to be covered with repentance with the blood of Yahshua (Jesus).