YAHshua (Jesus) is in the process of doing a mighty work to dress you for the everlasting habitation in the presence of His eternal glory. His kingdom is at hand and His people are being made ready for His soon-coming return!
Every person has, at some time, had to deal with anger, irritation, and frustration. Like Moses the anger of our flesh can became stronger than our desire for the integrity of Yahveh’s (the Lord’s) fame, honor, and glory.
The redeemed are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Real faith-filled believers live with this hope, living righteously before the Almighty and leading others to do the same.
Undoubtedly we are in “perilous times”, watching the manifestation of biblically prophesied events. Globally, multitudes are in anxiety and high alert for the fear of the unknown and what is coming next.
Yahveh says, “I will take away the lust of the flesh, your desires for the things of the world, all forms of idolatry, so that you can desire Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and be acceptable in My sight.
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” and to “go forth and sin no more.”
The Big “I” has to be put to death and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe is the only I that is to be exalted. Every other I that exalts itself is an enemy to the cross of Messiah.
YAHshua [Jesus] invested in each one of us multiple gifts, talents, and resources, brought forth by the same Spirit. Each part of body is as important as the other, supplying what is lacking for the fullness of His remnant.
The Almighty is crying for His children to come out of the world and be holy to Him. He gave His Son to die on the stake at Calvary. In return, we can no longer be halfhearted lip servers who serve the cravings of this world.
It is about time to know about time. We are to awake, sleeper because the time is short. From here to eternity, the call of the redeemed is to give YAHveh all the love, praise, honor, glory, worship, and dominion that He is due.
True disciples must “count the cost” to stay on the narrow path. Yahshua (Jesus) continually cautions His disciples to “be on guard,” making it clear that although many would want to, only a remnant would enter Heaven.
Yahshua’s Spirit is relentlessly beseeching us to forsake the old self sin nature with all of its worldly desires and preoccupations. “The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever”
Apart from living according to the uncompromised written word of God, without picking and choosing what suits us according to our denominational predisposition, we are going to err.
Yahveh will bring a third part of Israel through the fire, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on His name … and in that name they will walk”. They will “Cry out, “Blessed is He (Yahshua) who comes in the name of Yahveh.”
In anger, Moses blocked the Israelites from seeing the character of the Almighty, who is all-loving, all-merciful, all-forgiving. We, too, can block the glory, yet we are to be instruments through which the glory is manifested.
That which we know to do, let us do it not by our might, or power, but by His Spirit. May the Almighty give you a zeal that will consume you with a desire to please Him and to walk in righteousness as you read this message.
You are at a crossroad beloved; are you craving what your flesh wants; foolishly ignoring the blood of the Lamb and His mighty outstretched arm that can deliver you from eternal death and the love of the things of this world?
There is no room for error in righteousness; however, there is mercy through the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) to cover the sins of those who humbly repent. Our loving Heavenly Father does not keep a record of our confessed sins.
You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you. This is the way of YAHveh. This is the way of the elect into eternity.
Are you willing to lift your voice that others will hear and heed what the Spirit of Truth is saying, so that they might be freed from deception and freed from every way that contends against the truth?