As “born again” “new creations” we are to be the salt and the light, and it is incumbent upon us to bring the full measure of truth regarding His love for the Jews to an apostate religious system and a world filled with anti-Semitism.
Let this message about Balaam be as a Spirit led donkey, stopping you from going down a reckless path. Many say, “I don’t want to be hemmed in with a wall on both sides called the perfect will of God —that’s too narrow for me.
Balak told Balaam, “If you are not going to curse the Jew for me then don’t bless them! Just be indifferent (one of Satan’s wicked strategies), just hold off, I don’t want them any stronger, mightier, or any more blessed than they are.”
Balaam saw the glory of Yahveh and how it was His love for His people that made them so beautiful. Here is the preview of Balaam seeing “the light of revelation” as a Gentile because he saw the “glory of His people Israel”.
The Almighty will never cease to have a ruler on the throne of David. Yahshua (Jesus) is that Man! He is the King of Israel, the Ruler and Sovereign of all nations into all eternity. I pledge my allegiance to the One True King!