

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Satan is out to destroy us when we open the door to sin. We must keep our eyes fixed on Yahshua (Jesus), the safeguard against the deadly serpent bites, against the sinful nature, and the consequence of sin, which is death.

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big “I” has to be put to death and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe is the only I that is to be exalted. Every other I that exalts itself is an enemy to the cross of Messiah.

Now Is Yhe Day of Salvation

Now Is Yhe Day of Salvation

“Now is the day of salvation.” Hear what the Spirit is saying! Don’t harden your heart. The only sin that will keep you out of His eternal loving presence is the sin of arrogance and pride that says, “I don’t need a Savior.”

Do Not Harden Your Heart

Do Not Harden Your Heart

“Take care, brethren, there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day … so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

"Whoever Is Thirsty, Come"

"Whoever Is Thirsty, Come"

“The Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) and the bride [those who are working out their salvation to be ready for the Bridegroom] say ‘Come.’ … And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost”

Make Wise Choices

Make Wise Choices

You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you. This is the way of YAHveh. This is the way of the elect into eternity.