The redeemed are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Real faith-filled believers live with this hope, living righteously before the Almighty and leading others to do the same.
Yahveh says, “I will take away the lust of the flesh, your desires for the things of the world, all forms of idolatry, so that you can desire Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and be acceptable in My sight.
Although the Bible records the glorious events surrounding the birth of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), there is no biblical record of the exact day, month, or observance of His blessed divine birthday.
The Big “I” has to be put to death and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe is the only I that is to be exalted. Every other I that exalts itself is an enemy to the cross of Messiah.
Do not waiver between two opinions, find out what pleases Yahveh and say, “Yes, I come to do Your will, O my God! Your will is the desire of my heart. I will persevere, I will hold on to my confidence in You and follow You!”
We are to be compelled in our words and deeds to glorify the Father, as we humbly seek to save the lost by pouring out our lives so others can know Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) redemptive love and inhabit His eternal Kingdom.
Just as we, Jew and non-Jew, together make “one new man” so does the Old Covenant and the New together make one Word, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself, the Living Word (Ephesians 2:14-16, John 1:1).
There is a much higher call for each of us. The purest and most powerful presence of Yahshua (Jesus) is yet to fill and keep us in a place where we are reverent and continually obedient to His mighty plans and purposes.
Satan through deception, temptation, and sin desires to keep us under bondage in his dark domain. Anyone who is not led by the Holy Spirit is a prime candidate to fall prey to his strategies .
Open up your ears, beloved, rivet them to the voice of your Master He will reveal to you great and mighty things that you must know from prayer, His word, and directions from His Holy Spirit.
My God and Savior, have mercy and cleanse and purify me of all my cravings, every desire of my appetites, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or my own vain glory and selfish ambition.
There is no sting of death for those who are already living in the Spirit, because they taste death daily by dying to the flesh. The enemy of the Spirit is our flesh, which can never please the Father.
If Yahveh, the Holy One of Israel, is your God worship Him, obey Him, and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Bring Yahveh and Yahshua (Jesus) the praise, honor, and glory due their holy names.
Yahveh is the God who answers by fire. We need the refining fire of His Presence, it burns up all that is unholy in our lives. If we will yield ourselves and confess our sins, He will burn them up as an acceptable sacrifice.
In anger, Moses blocked the Israelites from seeing the character of the Almighty, who is all-loving, all-merciful, all-forgiving. We, too, can block the glory, yet we are to be instruments through which the glory is manifested.
The whole issue is the glory of Yahveh and His purpose for His people to be brought out and established in faith and obedience to His Commandments. The purpose of our salvation is to bring Him glory, that is our responsibility.
The faith that pleases Yahshua (Jesus) is the faith that will cause us to overcome whatever must be endured personally. We must master our flesh because sin will crouch, like a demon from hell, at the doors of our lives.
Yahveh is a jealous God; we are not to share the affection that is due to Him with anyone or anything else. It is all for Him. “He will strongly support those whose hearts are completely His …” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
Messiah proclaimed, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” “For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
Dissipation is the frivolous, preoccupation with things that have no value, other than Satan’s value, to get you out of Yahveh’s perfect will and protection. Be on your guard against that dissipating spirit, it seeks to harm all.